2016 09 01 TSC Meeting

2016 09 01 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


September 1, 2016 (7:00am - 8:30am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton

Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman

Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown

Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer




  • Welcome the new TSC
  • Action Item Review
  • WG Updates

Welcome the new TSC

  • The steady state TSC election has now concluded.  Please join me in welcoming the following new or returning members to the TSC (in alphabetical order):
    • Arnaud Le Hors
    • Binh Nguyen
    • Christopher Ferris                                                       
    • Dan Middleton
    • Greg Haskins
    • Hart Montgomery
    • Mic Bowman
    • Murali Krishna Katipalli
    • Richard Brown
    • Sheehan Anderson
    • Tamas Blummer

TSC Chair

  • Chris Ferris ran unopposed in the TSC Chair election and has been reelected for a 1-year term -- thank you for all the hard work, Chris!

Action Item Review

  • Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
    • Hackfest / October 3-4, Amsterdam (confirmed - details coming soon)
    • Also, there will be a Hackathon on October 1-2 hosted by ABN AMRO, Holland Fintech, and IBM NL.
    • Strongly encourage everyone to attend these technical events.
  • Review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.3 and add semver versioning numbers (Brian and Chris)
    • Both Chris and Brian has made a few edits and updates, feel this is close to ready for adoption
    • CF:  Want to have a broader discussion around this to make sure everyone is on same page, especially feedback from the STL folks, as their approach is slightly different.
    • ACTION:  Chris to send out reminder to review, then next meet plan to vote.
  • Review and comment on Hyperledger-py proposal, Baohua to share proposal with Community to try to bring a few more project sponsors to it, as well as work on naming of the project. (Baohua Yang)
    • Skipped until next week, no quorum for a vote this week.
  • Communication tools (Brian/Todd)
    • wiki.hyperledger.org is now live; this is dokuwiki, supports markdown
    • Brian:  Anyone with an LFID can edit and create new pages.  Encourage everyone to test it out, kick the tires, and see if there are any major issues.  Otherwsie, we will start the process of migration.
    • CF:  Suggest to have a few editors that we can count on to keep tidy, highlight potential abuses, quality control, etc.
    • Arnaud:  Is migration automatic?  Brian: No, don’t believe so -- we’ll engage with the Community and WG leads to map out a migration plan in 1 week.

WG Updates

  • Requirements WG (Oleg Abdrashitov)
    • Draft of the privacy section of the Requirements Document is on the wiki
    • Oleg is working on the collateral management use case
  • Architecture WG (Ram Jagadeesan)
    • Progress on two tracks
    • Fleshing out Architecture doc, finding issues that need to be discussed further before moving forward
    • On security doc starting to identify functional requirements for identity and policy layers
    • Focusing on bootstrap and identity of system entities (validators, etc.)
    • Then, will move onto identity in general
  • Whitepaper WG (Dave Voell)
    • Next objective is to get paper ready for Sibos
    • Looking to schedule a call within the next week or so
  • Identity WG (Christopher Allen)
    • Update coming via email
  • CI WG (Chris Ferris)
    • Made transition over to Gerrit -- a bit bumpy from a build perspective
    • Had some problems with mirrors (bad mirrors, or mirrors not reachable) -- but this has been worked through
    • Cut a new release from Fabric yesterday v0.6, working over next few weeks in prep for Sibos to harden this.


  • ACTION:  Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
  • ACTION:  Chris to send out reminder to review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.3 and plan for TSC to vote to adopt on 9/8 (Brian and Chris)
  • ACTION:  Review and comment on Hyperledger-py proposal, Baohua to share proposal with Community to try to bring a few more project sponsors to it, as well as work on naming of the project. (Baohua Yang)
  • ACTION:  Discuss wiki.hyperledger.org migration plan in 9/8 TSC call (Brian/Todd)
  • ACTION:  Communication tools (Brian/Todd)

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