2017 01 05 TSC Meeting
Hyperledger Project
Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting
January 5, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting
TSC Members
Arnaud Le Hors | |
Binh Nguyen | Yes |
Christopher Ferris | Yes |
Dan Middleton | Yes |
Greg Haskins | |
Hart Montgomery | Yes |
Mic Bowman | Yes |
Murali Krishna Katipalli | Yes |
Richard Brown | |
Sheehan Anderson | Yes |
Tamas Blummer | Yes |
- Discourse: discuss.hyperledger.org
- Github: www.github.com/hyperledger
- Wiki: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net
- IRC: #hyperledger on freenode.net (has Meetbot)
- Public lists: lists.hyperledger.org
- Slack: https://slack.hyperledger.org/ (self-generated invites)
- Information on the TSC Members can be found at https://www.hyperledger.org/about/tsc
- Meetings: wiki.hyperledger.org/community/calendar-public-meetings
- Action Item Review
- On-going (no action, just tracking)
Action Item Review
- Baohua to finalize draft doc for TWGC and collect volunteers to help resource the WG.
- Announcement
- Overview: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.netgroups/tsc/technical-working-group-china
- Minutes: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.netgroups/twgc/meeting/2017-01-04
- Currently drafting WG guidelines, plan to send out before next TSC meeting.
- Vote to approve Cello for incubation.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E2i5GRqWsIag7KTxjQ_jQdDiWcuikv3KqXeuw7NaceM
- VOTE: Unanimously approved.
- ACTION: Ry to connect with Baohua for onboarding Cello
- Chris Ferris to drive forward CII Security Badge discussion
- Need a formal process (response and escalation for remediating vulnerabilities) once Security Maven is hired.
- Also look at security scans, both from code and penetration, as well as other aspects.
- Some discussion about incorporating code scanning into CI. But, would need tools available for this (Hyperledger may need to purchase).
- Discussion ensued regarding independent peer review of projects (advisory role, not a gating mechanism).
- Formalizing a function that WGs can provide peer review -- deferring to WG Charter discussions next week.
- Hackfests
- San Francisco (February 1-2) register / agenda
- Shanghai (March TBD): Todd to connect with Victor (Huawei)
- New York (May TBD): If you have venue space, please contact tbenzies@linuxfoundation.org to discuss.
- Monthly Project updates
- Each project to send a monthly update for the 3rd TSC meeting of the month (Todd to send a reminder). Paragraph or bullet points are both acceptable.
- Comms tools
- Talked last year about various alternatives to Slack -- but, didn’t pan out effectively. Cannot afford enterprise version of Slack.
- ACTION: Ry to check in with LF IT on cost associated with hosting Rocket.Chat
- Each WG to document their purpose, objectives, and/or deliverables through a Charter that is brought back to the TSC by or before January 12th.
- [draft] from Architecture WG https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QWuy3L-tQSelDB-4b_tavvCBn9xstYj2y8jRXCk9NHI/edit?usp=drivesdk
- Internship Program -- if you are interested in being a mentor for an intern, please let us know (more details coming in early 2017)
- Overview of The Linux Foundation program https://www.linuxfoundation.org/about/internships
- TWG China / Charter review
- Ry to connect with Baohua to onboard Cello into incubation
- Hackfest planning (San Francisco, Shanghai, New York)
- Each WG to document their purpose, objectives, and/or deliverables through a Charter that is brought back to the TSC by January 12th (next TSC meeting)
- [draft] from Architecture WG: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QWuy3L-tQSelDB-4b_tavvCBn9xstYj2y8jRXCk9NHI/edit?usp=drivesdk
- Continue CII Security Badge discussion
- Ry to check in with LF IT on cost associated with hosting Rocket.Chat
- Each project to send a monthly update for the 3rd TSC meeting of the month (Todd to send a reminder). Paragraph or bullet points are both acceptable.
- Internship Program -- if you are interested in being a mentor for an intern, please let us know (this will launch sometime next year)