2017 09 14 TSC Meeting

2017 09 14 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


September 14, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Jonathan Levi


Kelly Olson


Mic Bowman


Nathan George



Hackfest Planning

  • Chicago Hackfest (9/21 & 9/22), please register now (and contribute to draft agenda).
  • Lisbon Hackfest (12/5 & 12/6), registration will be live soon
  • The community would like to focus more on hacking and less on yacking during this Hackfest.
  • Possibly agree to no meetings either in the morning or in the afternoon to enforce open spots for hacking.
  • Create a space for helping new developers up the learning curve.
  • Intentionally dive into a project that you have not looked at previously.

[HIP] Hyperledger Interledger-Java

  • Proposal | thread
  • Recording: 9:03 - 1:00:27
  • Adrian Hope-Bailie presented the proposal. Interledger.java started 18 months ago. It is an implementation of the Interledger protocol. Interoperability between ledger systems. Simple protocol that establishes a global namespace for accounts, as well as, a simple protocol for synchronized atomic swaps between different systems. Establishes a standard for the condition that you would use in a hash time lock agreement and what the fulfillment of that condition would look like. Transfers of values across multiple systems. Key questions from document review:
    • Interledger is primarily a payments protocol. Designed to transfer value across systems -- both distributed ledgers and non-distributed ledgers. Has not been explored how this will work with other systems.
    • Interledger is similar to the lightning network, but it is an abstraction above lightning network.
  • Question: What dependencies would there be on existing blockchain frameworks? Would new code be required to existing projects to work with the protocol?
    • Two ways to integrate with existing systems to date:
      • System evolves to adopt the standards for the escrows, then the system would natively support Interledger. This would be done via a connector.
      • Plug ins specific to the ledger that would abstract away the details of interledger.
    • Focus would be to catch up with Interledger.JS and to integrate with the existing Hyperledger frameworks.
  • Question: Who would be responsible for implementing the interface and what would the language need to be?
    • Working to define a binary interface that would be stack agnostic.
    • If the ledger system wants to support escrow, it could build this into the ledger itself. 
  • Question: How does Interledger play with general purpose ledgers?
    • We have not explored anything beyond the value transfer use case.
    • Hoping this is something that can be explored with this project.
    • When you want to move assets around, you do not want to care what ledger they are on. Rather you want to provide liquidity across ledgers. Designed with hash time lock agreement that are tied to a higher level contract. Refer to Crypto Conditions specification that might be used as a primitive for tying the different ledgers together.
  • Question: What is the status of the spec?
    • Operate under the umbrella of a W3C community group.
    • Open source code needs a home.
    • Work ongoing to figure out how Interledger would be applicable to Web Payments group which makes sense under W3C.
    • Crypto Conditions presented to IETF.
    • Looking to build momentum with the right companies to contribute.
  • Question: Will there be problems with the collaboration between Hyperledger and W3C?
    • W3C community groups are public forums. They are not official.
    • W3C provides the infrastructure (mailing lists and blogs).
    • Protects standards development group.
    • It does not put Interledger on a standards track within W3C.
    • Want an open source project with deliverable being code that provides interoperability between different ledger systems. Today that would be focused on Interledger protocol.
    • Protocol development will happen outside of Hyperledger.
  • Question: What will the name be?
    • Hyperledger Quilt is the preferred name for this project by the Interledger community.
    • Least likely to provide friction.
    • Design team at Ripple can work on branding.
  • Question: Could you talk about the resourcing?
    • Within Ripple, no one is full time. There are currently four engineers working part time on contributions.
    • Within Everis, there was originally two people contributing. lan to bring on more people. Looking to increase the Everis team by 10-20 people.
    • Ask to amend proposal to be more clear on the engineering resources.
  • Question: What is the goal for bringing this into Hyperledger?
    • Goal is more generic than just payment networks. Reality will be determined by who wants to contribute to the project.
    • Hyperledger Quilt is a project for interoperability of ledger systems and it implements the Interledger protocol.
  • Question: Are we tied to the spec or is that a starting point?
    • The developers should have the freedom to decide which direction to head.
    • Maintainers need the autonomy to decide which standard they implement.
    • Proposal should make this clear.
    • Proposers are not tied to a given protocol if a better one comes out.
  • Next steps: Take conversation back to the mailing lists. Make adjustments to the proposal. Bring back to the TSC for a vote at the next meeting. 

Project Reporting

  • Thread
  • We ran out of time to get to this discussion, Please continue the discussion of the mailing lists, and we will take this back up the next time we meet.

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