2017 06 08 TSC Meeting

2017 06 08 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


June 8, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli

Richard Brown

Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer



Hackfest Planning

  • Beijing Hackfest / June 19-20, register now / agenda (draft) -- just hit 100 registrations!
  • Future Hackfests (August & October?  US & Europe?)
    • mid-August or mid-September on East Coast
    • Crypto event is 8/20 - 8/24 (do not want to conflict)
    • ACTION:  Todd to send a Doodle poll to technical community with a few date options

Security Bug Handling Process

  • Tracy provided a brief recap of the near-final draft that was distributed by Dave Huseby, incorporating in feedback from the TSC meeting 2 weeks prior
  • Suggested edits
    • In the document, put “what is a security bug” before “how to submit a security bug”
    • Add clarity to definition of “what is a security bug” to help those that will be reporting bugs understand.  Confident that the Security team will know how to filter security-related versus non, but want to mitigate the number of non-security-related bugs that come through this channel.
    • Fix the landing page(s) for the reporting mechanism, offer as few choices as possible to be able to submit the security-related bug in a streamlined manner.
    • Tracy/Dave to work with Ry to have a link from hyperledger.org, as well as public project pages, so that the actual reporting mechanism is clear.
    • Tracy to ensure that the “security flag” is an option when creating an issue in Jira
  • VOTE:  Approved unanimously.