2017 05 25 TSC Meeting
2017 05 25 TSC Meeting
Hyperledger Project
Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting
May 25, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting
TSC Members
Arnaud Le Hors | Yes |
Binh Nguyen | Yes |
Christopher Ferris | Yes |
Dan Middleton | |
Greg Haskins | |
Hart Montgomery | Yes |
Mic Bowman | Yes |
Murali Krishna Katipalli | |
Richard Brown | |
Sheehan Anderson | |
Tamas Blummer | Yes |
- Rocket.Chat: chat.hyperledger.org (you can use your LFID to login)
- Github: www.github.com/hyperledger
- Wiki: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net
- Public lists: lists.hyperledger.org
- Information on the TSC Members can be found at https://www.hyperledger.org/about/tsc
- Meetings: wiki.hyperledger.org/community/calendar-public-meetings
Beijing Hackfest
- June 19-20, register now / agenda (draft)
CII Badge Certification update
- Hyperledger Fabric 100%
- Hyperledger Sawtooth 100%
- Hyperledger Iroha 97%
Security Bug Handling Process
- Dave provided an overview of his draft
- Suggestion to have a minimum of 2 people per project (identify primary and alternate)
- How are we defining security bugs -- are bugs in consensus algorithms technically security bugs, for instance?
- Rough definition is that any bug that allows some non-trusted actor (or even trusted actor) to adversely affect the functioning of the network. So, that would include a bug in the consensus algorithm, as well.
- Would be helpful to look at what Ethereum and Bitcoin have done about appropriate response for algorithmic bugs, i.e. DAO.
- If an OpenSSL bug is reported, does this committee meet to see how it impacts us? Yes.
- Suggest capturing learnings from threat modeling that can be shared between projects
- ACTION: Dave to incorporate this feedback into draft, circulate via email for comments, and then call for an email vote
Introduction of Marta Piekarska