2017 07 20 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


July 20, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins

Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman

Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer

*quorum not reached*


Hackfest Planning

TSC Annual Election

  • Draft
  • Proposal for vote:  that in addition to collecting the GitHub/Gerrit committer data for the preceding 12 months and the list of project Maintainers for each repository, that we also include the list of WG Chairs and collect from each a list of individual "WG Contributors." There should also be a dispute resolution process where an individual who believes they should be included (but was not) can appeal to the WG Chair and Hyperledger Technical Advocate(s) with the final determination left to Hyperledger staff.
    • General support, no objections.
    • ACTION:  Todd to initiate vote via email (since quorum was not reached).

Hyperledger Community Survey discussion

  • https://lists.hyperledger.org/pipermail/hyperledger-tsc/2017-July/000977.html
  • Tracy and Kathryn:  Trying to understand who is in our community and how we can best support and enable them, most interested in developers (but also interested in marketing, business, legal, etc.)
  • What channels will be used to distribute the survey?
    • Looking at using hyperledger.org, rocket.chat, mailing lists, and other channels per TSC to get this out to the Community.
    • Suggestion to consider posting a blog around this.
  • A separate discussion topic was raised around anonymity in rocket.chat -- to be teed up for discussion in a future TSC meeting.

Project Reporting

  • Thread and proposal
  • Tracy:  Hoping to make progress on this topic to find a mechanism that allows the TSC to understand the state and health of all Hyperledger projects.
  • Suggestion to move frequency to a quarterly cadence (as opposed to monthly).
  • Concern around using email addresses as a way to identify which companies are contributing (as some people could be using Gmail instead of a corporate email address).
  • Suggestion to find a balance between not using the TSC calls just for project reporting, but also not waiting until Hackfests to get updates.