2017 03 02 TSC Meeting

2017 03 02 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


March 2, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson


Tamas Blummer



Action Item Review

  • Hackfest planning
    • East Coast, week of April 24th (venue/city pending)
    • Beijing, June TBD
    • If you have venue space, please contact Todd Benzies tbenzies@linuxfoundation.org
  • WG Charters
    • Requirements WG (Oleg)
      • Draft
      • Requirements WG meeting on March 6th to finalize, the to TSC on March 9th to approve
      • Brian B:  re: disbanding note… see the need for this WG to be ongoing, there will always be new use cases worth considering, new releases worth mapping to those use cases.
      • CF:  re: collaboration -- need a way to engage Requirements WG with some industry-specific WGs, like Healthcare.
      • DM:  Near outset of Hyperledger, there was some reluctance from a few to share info within this WG as it was seen as valuable IP within some companies, we should work to continue to move the needle on this perception.
      • Vipin:  There has been movement in this direction.  Suggest also adding to the use cases some actual implementations to showcase the round-trip phenomenon.
  • slack-archive repo
    • No objections to archiving the Slack.  Ry to drive the process.
  • Internship Program
    • The subgroup met on February 28th and recommends the following 6 mentors/proposals
      • Deploy Fabric on Kubernetes Using Cello, Feihu Jiang, Huawei
      • Contract-based Business Process Execution / Hyperledger as a business process execution engine, László Gönczy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
      • Anonymous Transactions in Iroha, Makoto Takemiya and Bogdan Vaneev, Soramitsu
      • Preserving Privacy with Sawtooth Lake, Dan Middleton, Intel
      • Design and Implement Blockchain Clustering Platform for Hyperledger, Baohua Yang and Haitao Yue, IBM China
      • Publish, Document, and Maintain a Distribution Agnostic Build Script, Mark Wagner, Red Hat
    • No objections -- ok to move forward with these 6.
  • Request to exit Incubation status for Hyperledger Fabric (here)
    • Note:  this isn’t about getting to 1.0, this is about maturity of “project,” not “product.“  That said, getting ready to cut an alpha this month.
    • Q:  What is the scope of Fabric?  Does it include chaintool or Node-SDK, for example?
      • CF:  From an alignment perspective, all Fabric-** are aligned in getting to 1.0.
    • Q:  What is ongoing role for IBM?  If IBM left would Fabric continue?
      • CF:  Year 1 goal was to get IBM under 50% of contributors (55% currently).  Today, positive sign of seeing more sustained contributors (non-IBM). Ideally need to get down long-term number below 30% and get others more involved in Fabric.  In addition, of the IBM contributions, they come from multiple teams within IBM (not just one silo).
    • VOTE:  Unanimously approved.
  • GSL Discussion (Tamas Blummer)

Actions + On-going

  • Hackfest planning (East Coast, week of April 24th / Beijing, June)
  • Requirements WG Charter draft