2017 08 17 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


August 17, 2017 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton

Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson


Tamas Blummer


Hackfest Planning

  • US:  9/21 & 9/22 in Chicago register now | draft agenda
  • Europe:  tracking on 10/28 & 10/29 in Berlin (meetup on Thursday prior to Hackfest)

TSC Annual Election

  • Voting begins on Thursday (8/17) at 8:00am PT -- details will be sent directly to all eligible voters.

Repo for Educational Materials

  • Creating a MOOC for Hyperledger and want to store in a GitHub repo (thread)
  • Discussion ensued, leading to the recommendation to create a GitHub repo now, and then bring a proposal for a corresponding WG (and named participants) back to the TSC next week.
    • VOTE:  Unanimous

Security Audit update

  • Security team has formed and mailing lists have been set up
  • Confidential bug handling in Jira
  • Have an outside firm (Nettitude) doing a security audit of Hyperledger Fabric
  • Nettitude is sending folks to Chicago Hackfest to present on methods/results and what has been done to harden the platform

Task force to look at GitHub for all Hyperledger projects

  • Chris Ferris made the suggestion to create a task force to look at using GitHub for all Hyperledger projects and evaluating what standard set of guidelines could be laid across all projects (i.e. enforcing DCO, code reviews, branching models, etc.) and to further enable collaboration between projects.
  • Brian noted that developer productivity and legal coherence should be the primary focus to optimize for
  • ACTION:  Chris to send a note to technical-discuss with thoughts and to solicit volunteers, and then bring a proposal back to the TSC

Next week:  PSWG Charter discussion/approval