2016 11 10 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


November 10, 2016 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris

Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown

Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer




  • Action Item Review
  • Sawtooth Lake: Marketplace Navigator has been added to the sawtooth-core repository. (Dan Middleton)
  • HIP:  Cello (Baohua Yang)

Action Item Review

  • Cancel 11/24 TSC meeting due to US Thanksgiving)
    • No objections.
  • 11/17 TSC meeting -- Chris and Brian are both out.  Does another TSC member want to run the meeting?
    • Please let us know via email.
  • December Hackfest - still searching for a host/venue for December 5th & 6th
    • Getting clarity on 2 final venue options by Tuesday EOD, otherwise we will need to cancel the December Hackfest -- unless folks here have options to provide.  Please get in touch ASAP if so.
  • TSC and technical community to review Project Incubation Exit Criteria and make any pertinent updates to be able to come to consensus on November 10th TSC meeting.
    • Questions raised that code review is probably not best way to asses security, need some other way to state a security/crypto analysis.  Need a framework in place to be able to analyze security.
    • Don’t want excessive requirements before something exits incubation, find some level of middle ground.
    • Brian noted that Hyperledger is looking to hire a Security Maven to help with this process.
    • Comment was made that there is a struggle with notion of “project” maturity level as opposed to “product” maturity level.  Exit criteria is really a way to determine that it is a functioning community, not that code is bulletproof and getting into product maturity.
    • Suggestion made to drop “additional requirements” portion of document.
    • Projects _should_ be thinking about that section, but not have it set up as a barrier.  Maybe rename it as “additional considerations”
    • Move additional discussion on this topic to TSC list, look to take a vote next week.
  • China Technical WG update
    • No update -- coming soon.
    • A suggestion was made to have a mechanism to prevent any fracturing of the global Community.
  • Internship Program
    • Potential interest to sponsor and pay for 6 Hyperledger interns, similar to https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Interns.
    • TSC and technical community responded to this with positive support.
      • Potential mentors:  Dan to find someone from STL, Mark Wagner to find mentors at Red Hat, Leonard Edwin to help, as well.
      • If you are interested in being a mentor, please let us know.

Sawtooth Lake: Marketplace Navigator has been added to the sawtooth-core repository. (Dan Middleton)

  • MarketPlace Navigator is a hosted UI for the MarketPlace Transaction Family. It consists of three major pieces: a single page app, a server backend, and a syncing tool for synchronizing block state with the navigator's database.
  • The single page app is a ClojureScript app (with some plain JavaScript dependencies), which provides client-side transaction signing capabilities. A user of the system generates a WIF key in the browser, which they can save locally. A user can create most MarketPlace objects via the UI, including participants, assets, holdings and sell offers.
  • The server is a Node.js application, which uses RethinkDB for its storage needs. It provides API's to create richer representation of the marketplace objects, in order to improve the user experience. It also acts as a pass-through for transactions being submitted to a validator. Any transaction successfully submitted will be recorded, giving history of any failures that may occur during block construction.
  • The synchronization tool is a python script that bridges the gap between block store contents and a RethinkDB database instance. It reads block deltas from a validator, and creates block store snapshots, essentially providing an immutable history of the block state.

HIP:  Cello (Baohua Yang)


  • December Hackfest / go or no-go by EOD Tuesday (November 15th)
  • Both Brian and Chris will be out on 11/17 -- can another TSC member facilitate?  Will there be enough TSC members for quorum?
  • Project Incubation Exit Criteria -- please move additional discussion/questions to TSC list, looking to take a vote at the next TSC meeting
  • Internship Program -- if you are interested in being a mentor for an intern, please let us know (this will launch sometime next year)
  • China Technical WG planning
  • HIP:  Cello (Baohua Yang) -- please move additional discussion/questions to TSC list, looking to take a vote at the next TSC meeting (if TSC is ready)