2016 09 22 TSC Meeting

2016 09 22 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


No recording exists. 

September 22, 2016 (7:00am - 8:00am PT)via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen

Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer




  • Action Item Review
  • WG Updates

Action Item Review

  • Hackathon/Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
    • Hackfest, October 3-4: register now (agenda draft)
    • Hackathon, October 1-2: register now
      • CF:  Encourage getting as many as possible from TSC (and technical community) to the technical events in Amsterdam in a few weeks.
    • December location initial discussion
      • Possibly China?
      • Murali:  Suggest having a simultaneous component in the US.
      • DM:  China seems good, but maybe not December when there are other commitments.
      • Vipin:  Can check if BNP Paribas has space.
      • CF:  Let’s revisit after Hackfest in Amsterdam in a couple weeks.
  • Blog
    • https://www.hyperledger.org/blog
    • If anyone in the community is interested in proposing a post, please get in touch with Brian Behlendorf or Jessica Rampen (jrampen@linuxfoundation.org) and we can work with them on developing the content, graphics, etc.
    • CF:  Will do something regularly re: Fabric, would be great to also get something re: STL from Mic or Dan.  Also, encourage other topics, as well.
  • Pull together thoughts on snapshot release in Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.3 and circulate via email (Chris)
    • CF:  Pushing to 10/6 TSC meeting.
  • wiki.hyperledger.org migration plan (Brian)
    • CF:  There has been some additional exploration of the wiki, if people have any feedback, please share on the mailing list.  Final decision/discussion on how to migrate what is on GitHub wiki to the new wiki.

Short intro/overview of JPM project to be revealed at Sibos (Dave Voell and Amber Baldet)

  • Amber provided an overview of Quorum, noting that it is not a formal proposal, more sharing work that is underway.  Dave then provided a technical overview of Quorum. Slides can be found JPM Quorum Intro Deck and recording of discussion)
  • Q:  Is there a whitepaper or more documentation?
  • Dave:  We do plan to open source this which would include technical documentation and the code base, and some reference applications.  This is a derivative of Ethereum.

Fabric Java SDK Project Proposal (DTCC and Fujitsu Australia Software Technology (FAST))

  • CF:  Since we ran out of time today, action for DTCC/FAST to do Q&A via mailing list.

Java Chaincode demo (Satheesh Kathamuthu, DTCC)

  • CF:  Since we ran out of time today, will slot for next TSC meeting.

WG Updates

  • Please send via TSC list in response to this email.


  • ACTION:  Hackfest preparation and updates (EU & December/China?)
  • ACTION:  Chris Ferris to pull together thoughts on snapshot release in Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.3 and circulate via email
  • ACTION:  Finalize wiki.hyperledger.org migration plan in 10/6 TSC call
  • ACTION:  Communication Tools (Brian/Todd)