2016 12 01 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


December 1, 2016 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins

Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli


Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson


Tamas Blummer




  • Action Item Review
  • WG Charter discussion

Action Item Review

  • NYC Hackfest register / agenda
    • CF:  Suggest adding a session on Tuesday  “where do we go from here?” with the various top-level projects and potentially Corda.  (i.e. consolidation, component swapping, sharing functionality, working more collaboratively, etc.)
  • FYI:  Hart Montgomery is the new Whitepaper WG lead (thank you to Dave Voell for all of his hard work!)
  • Project Incubation Exit Criteria [vote needed]
    • CF:  Requirements as stated for minimum requires was good, but additional requirements seemed more about “product” as opposed to “project.”  While it is obviously important, the additional requirements seem less about exiting incubation from a “project’ perspective.
    • Discussion ensued, leading to the outcome that updating “additional requirements” to “additional considerations” is a sufficient change to be able to move forward with the Project Incubation Exit Criteria.
    • Brian:  With concerns about security and code scanning, making the suggestion that projects aim to get CII badge.
  • HIP:  Cello (Baohua Yang) [vote needed]
    • proposal & existing code
    • There was previous discussion as to whether Cello would have a better chance of success being merged in with Explorer, as opposed to independent… but those two groups have not had a chance to connect.
    • Voting deferred until those two groups are able to discuss.
  • China Technical WG planning
    • Proposed Charter
    • Brian:  I'd like to propose that we begin with three members of the working group.  I'd like to nominate the following individuals, based on some prior conversations, but of course depending upon their willingness to do this:
    • Of course more participants will be able to get involved in the forums that the WG decide are their officially supported forums - be it a mailing list, a WeChat group, or some other tool.  The point is that these three represent the bridge between both worlds.
    • [vote] Proposed Charter and 3 initial members (Baohua, Charles, and Victor)
      • Passed unanimously.

WG Charter Discussion

  • In the context of the Whitepaper WG, work underway for 10 months.  Have had 2 complete drafts, but in each case, there was such an incredibly diverse set of reactions, it is challenging to be succesful when trying to meet the requirements of everyone.
  • Hart is now driving towards clarity and agreement on an outline.
  • Need to determine what is the TSC and Foundation’s expected outcome from the WGs.  Need to hold the WGs to a level of rigor that is applied to the projects in incubation.
  • ACTION:  Each WG to document their purpose, objectives, and/or deliverables through a Charter that is brought back to the TSC by or before January 12th.


  • Cello and Explorer teams to connect, bring suggested path forward back to the TSC
  • Each WG to document their purpose, objectives, and/or deliverables through a Charter that is brought back to the TSC by or before January 12th.
  • China Technical WG updates
  • CII Security Badge discussion
  • Internship Program -- if you are interested in being a mentor for an intern, please let us know (this will launch sometime next year)