2016 08 04 TSC Minutes
2016 08 04 TSC Minutes
Hyperledger Project
Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting
August 4, 2016 (7:00am - 8:30am PT) via GoToMeeting
TSC Members
Emmanuel Viale | Accenture | Yes |
Ajit Krishnamohan | Airbus | Yes |
Stan Liberman | CME Group | Yes |
Tamas Blummer | Digital Asset | Yes |
Stefan Teis | Deutsche Boerse Group | Yes |
Pardha Vishnumolakala | DTCC | Yes |
Hart Montgomery | Fujitsu | Yes |
Satoshi Oshima | Hitachi | Yes |
Chris Ferris | IBM | |
Mic Bowman | Intel | Yes |
David Voell | J.P. Morgan | Yes |
Richard G. Brown | R3 | Yes |
Charles Cai | Wanda |
- Github: www.github.com/hyperledger
- Wiki: https://github.com/hyperledger/hyperledger/wiki
- IRC: #hyperledger on freenode.net (has Meetbot)
- Public lists: lists.hyperledger.org
- Slack: https://slack.hyperledger.org/ (self-generated invites)
- Information on the TSC Members can be found at https://www.hyperledger.org/about/tsc
- Meetings: https://github.com/hyperledger/hyperledger/wiki/PublicMeetingCalendar
- Action Item Review
- Follow-up on Gerrit migration
- WG Updates
Action Item Review
- Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
- Readout from SF Hackfest (Brian and other attendees)
- Overview of activities
- August 24-25, virtual (confirmed)
- Limited participation last time -- teeing up specific action items would be beneficial
- Will create Google doc for agenda to iterate on over the coming weeks
- October 3-4, Amsterdam (confirmed - details coming soon)
- Maturity of software discussion (Jeremy & Bill) - PPT deck
- Jeremy: Since we last met, presented to Requirements WG and got favorable response. Got agreement to incorporate into use cases template. Bill and I walked through a spreadsheet of risks and mitigations. Important to enterprise development. Incorporated a part of discussion from Identity WG (prioritize features for membership services).
- Next steps: Start to develop database some more. Start to update use case template as well to incorporate risk assessment methodology.
- Brian: We did talk about this deck at the Hackfest and many found it useful to walk through what we want to be thinking about when getting ready for 1.0 release.
- Review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.2 and look at semver (Brian)
- semver versioning #s have not yet been integrated -- will revisit next week.
- TSC election (Todd)
- Election timeline
- Contributor list (if you are not on this list, but should be, please email tbenzies@linuxfoundation.org)
- Revise Hyperledger Explorer proposal and bring back to the TSC next week for review/approval. (Chris)
- Pardha: made some updates, will circle back with Dan/Chris and then post to wiki for discussion next week.
- Brian: At the Hackfest last week, there is a path forward to build on top of initial contribution to be able to talk to both Fabric and STL.
Follow-up on Gerrit migration
- Brian: There are some outstanding migration questions. We’ve moved where repo sits, the core upstream repo is now on gerrit.hyperledger.org. One aspect to determine is:
- leverage the mirror of the fabric (and other) repos to GH and let nature take its course
- leverage the ability to establish a non-GH identity for our project leveraging the <meta> tage configuration supported by Go.
- Discussion ensued leading to the outcome that the technical community will continue to further iterate on this topic over the mailing list.
- Arnaud reminded the TSC of the Immersion into Gerrit training done by Ry Jones.
WG Updates
- Requirements WG (Oleg Abdrashitov)
- Jeremy Sevareid and Bill Sparks are working on Risk Assessment and Controls document
- Oleg Abdrashitov working on Certification and Global KYC Database use cases
- Ajit Krishnamohan of Airbus working on the requirements for the Supply Chain use case
- Architecture WG (Ram Jagadeesan)
- Held F2F at SF Hackfest
- 1st session on documentation around consensus layer and smart contract layer (and interface between them).
- 2nd session on security and privacy requirements
- Whitepaper WG (Dave Voell)
- Met yesterday, reviewed final updates for next publication (no new feedback for ~3 weeks)
- Draft v2.0.0 (published August 3, 2016) -- please review
- Identity WG (Christopher Allen)
- Update via email
- CI WG (Chris Ferris)
- Update via email
- ACTION: Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
- ACTION: Review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.2 and add semver versioning numbers (Brian)
- ACTION: Pull a list of wiki contributors to add to TSC election list (Chris)
- ACTION: Clean up “contributor” list in preparation for the TSC election (Todd)
- ACTION: Revise Hyperledger Explorer proposal and bring back to the TSC next week for review/approval (Pardha)