2016 12 15 TSC Meeting

2016 12 15 TSC Meeting


  • ACTION:  Chris Ferris to start an email vote to approve Cello for incubation.
  • ACTION:  Baohua to finalize draft doc for TWGC and collect volunteers to help resource the WG.  Bring guidelines to TSC for review by early January.
  • ACTION:  Todd/Brian to work to propose dates/plan for China Hackfest, in addition to coordinating Hackathon.
  • ACTION:  Chris Ferris to drive forward CII Security Badge discussion
  • ACTION: Todd to search availability and come back to TSC list with a plan for February Hackfest in San Francisco (add tentative dates to calendars)
  • Each WG to document their purpose, objectives, and/or deliverables through a Charter that is brought back to the TSC by or before January 12th.
  • Internship Program -- if you are interested in being a mentor for an intern, please let us know (this will launch sometime next year)


Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


December 15, 2016 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton

Greg Haskins

Hart Montgomery


Mic Bowman


Murali Krishna Katipalli

Richard Brown


Sheehan Anderson

Tamas Blummer




  • Actions Item Review
  • Whitepaper WG update (Hart)
  • On-going/Tracking

Action Item Review

  • Cello and Explorer teams to connect, review discussion with TSC (Baohua Yang)
    • Talked with Pardha and Dan -- while there should and will be closer collaboration, agreed that Cello should still be an individual project.
    • ACTION:  Chris Ferris to start an email vote to approve Cello for incubation.
  • China Technical WG updates
    • hyperledger-twg-china@lists.hyperledger.org is live.  Self-subscribe at here.
    • Suggest openness for meetings, lists, etc.
      • No objections.
    • Team has met; has been working on a doc around initial thinking/planning.
    • Currently organizing a meetup in Beijing, next month will organize more meetups in other cities in China.
    • ACTION:  Baohua to finalize draft doc for TWGC and suggest volunteers to help resource the WG.  Bring guidelines/volunteers to TSC for review by early January.
    • Brian B:  Consensus within China ecosystem to hold a Hackathon on March 10-11 in Shanghai.  Should there be a Hackfest, as well?
      • General consensus that people would attend a March Hackfest in Shanghai, securing dates as soon as possible will help with travel approvals.
    • ACTION:  Todd/Brian to work to propose dates/plan for China Hackfest, in addition to coordinating Hackathon.
  • CII Security Badge discussion
    • ACTION:  Chris Ferris to drive forward CII Security Badge discussion
  • Proposing a Feb 1-2 Hackfest in San Francisco (following CoinDesk Construct)
    • While January 28-29 could serve as a backup, preference is for February 1-2
    • ACTION: Todd to search availability and come back to TSC list with a plan for February Hackfest in San Francisco (add tentative dates to calendars)

Whitepaper WG Update (Hart Montgomery)

  • Plan is to finalize a “whitepaper skeleton” to be sent out in next week or so --  please read and give comments… then in early January, seek approval from TSC on skeleton (prevent being in endless cycle of circular changes)
    • No objections to this plan.

FYI:  Next 2 TSC meetings cancelled (12/22 & 12/29).  Next TSC meeting will be January 5th.

On-going (no action, just tracking)

  • Each WG to document their purpose, objectives, and/or deliverables through a Charter that is brought back to the TSC by or before January 12th.
  • Internship Program -- if you are interested in being a mentor for an intern, please let us know (more details coming in early 2017)