2016 04 07 TSC Minutes
2016 04 07 TSC Minutes
Hyperledger Project
Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting
April 7, 2016 (7:00am - 8:30am PT) via GoToMeeting
TSC Members
Emmanuel Viale | Accenture | |
Stan Liberman | CME Group | Yes |
Tamas Blummer | DAH | Yes |
Stefan Teis | Deutsche Boerse Group | |
Pardha Vishnumolakala | DTCC | Yes |
Hart Montgomery | Fujitsu | Yes |
Satoshi Oshima | Hitachi | |
Chris Ferris | IBM | Yes |
Mic Bowman | Intel | Yes |
David Voell | J.P. Morgan | Yes |
Richard G. Brown | R3 | Yes |
- Github: www.github.com/hyperledger
- Wiki: https://github.com/hyperledger/hyperledger/wiki
- IRC: #hyperledger on freenode.net (has Meetbot)
- Public lists: lists.hyperledger.org
- Slack: hyperledgerproject.slack.com/signup (email tbenzies@linuxfoundation.org for access)
- Information on the TSC Members can be found at https://www.hyperledger.org/about/tsc
- Action Item Review
- Intel - proposed contribution (Patrick Holmes)
- Discuss and Finalize
- Project Lifecycle template (Arnaud Le Hors)
- Project Proposal template (Vipin Bharathan)
- Updates
- Requirements WG (Patrick Holmes)
- Architecture WG (Ram Jagadeesan)
- Whitepaper WG (Dave Voell)
- Identity Subgroup (Christopher Allen)
- Tooling F2F
- Next Technical F2F
Action Item Review
- Chris sent request to call for CI volunteers and created slack channel
- ChristopherA and Mic are having discussions to complete the readme for the merged code proposal that was approved
Intel - proposed contribution (Patrick Holmes)
- Open sourcing project “distributed ledger”
- Highly modular and extensible
- Gossip topology: Random walk and Barabasi-Albert
- Consensus: PoET and Quorum voting
- Solution domains: Transaction Families
- Transaction Families
- Provide data model, transaction semantics and validation
- Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) Consensus
- A power-efficient replacement for proof-of-work
- Each node delays a random duration before claiming leadership
- Trusted Execution Environment provides attestation
- github.com/intelledger
- Internal name “Sawtooth”
- Sawtooth core is the fundamental component
- Sawtooth validator is the validator process (startup, configuration settings, etc.)
- Sawtooth marketplace is more complex marketplace
- Sawtooth dev tools is the vagrant environment
- Documentation on github.io
- Developer’s guide with API documentation
- Marketplace Developer’s guide to use marketplace code
- http://intelledger.github.io/
- https://inteldl.slack.com/
- Q: Going to make a formal proposal?
- Patrick -- hoping people go study, do tutorial, give us feedback. Then we come back in a week with further proposal of what we’d like to do.
- Q: Is it possible to use SGX with this code?
- SGX is on some processors, but not all. We’ve created a PoET simulator. Simulates it running inside SGX, but not actually running inside SGX. So, it is not secure implementation -- only simulating trusted execution environment. Working on plans now for final implementation using a trusted environment.
- DM: Algorithm there is algorithm that would run inside of trusted environment. Important aspects is brings consensus back to 1 CPU 1 vote.
- There is a slack channel in documentation -- would love to get feedback.
- Q: Is there a whitepaper or something on this?
- Patrick: No. But, introduction in documentation is what is available.
- Q: How does validation work? Is there an execution engine or scripting engine?
- PH: Blocks are made up of transaction identifiers (hashes of transactions)… transactions are distributed through gossip network.
- Q: Transaction family is part of distributed ledger?
- It is running on each node. The validators is a composition of business logic which is abstracted from consensus mechanism, the selections of the consensus and peer protocols.
- Q: Business use cases? Have you implement like IoT for example? Or other business cases?
- Mic: a couple -- used endpoint registry (IoT)... also participated in R3 projects, financial services uses cases. Have tested consensus mechanism with up to 1000 participating validators. 2,000 was highest it was pushed (on VMs).
- Q: What language support for smart contract development?
- PH: validator and code is Python.
- Q: Transaction families support Turing complete language? Or is it more deterministic?
- DM: Author transaction family that has whatever orthogonality you want. Could be fully Turing complete. Attach an Ethereum-style execution model as a transaction family. Example transaction families written have restricted verbiage to them right now.
- Q: Privacy achieved in executing through SGX environment?
- DM: Anticipate doing some unique things in SGX enclaves to support privacy in transaction models.
- DV: So wouldn’t be able to implement with current code base?
- DM: There isn’t a private facility within this code. Transactions are fairly open. But, nothing restricts you from layering privacy model into it.
- Mic: in this release, does not provide some of the fundamental capabilities of doing peer to peer private transactions at this point.
- Q: 1 vote / 1 CPU -- how is permission identified?
- Mic: All of validators register themselves. That can be used as point of restriction for identity access. SGX signing allows us to identify the fact two certificates originated from the same location.
Discuss and Finalize
- Project Lifecycle template (Arnaud Le Hors)
- Looked at draft a few weeks ago, have factored in edits and comments.
- Clarified what incubation entails -- incubation should be fairly easy to get into… want people to bring ideas to explore. We don’t want to preclude things at this level.
- Question about different stages and how to progress -- is it linear? Text has been clarified.
- Just because things are easy to get into incubation, does not mean there is a guarantee that you will progress beyond incubation or that it will be easy.
- Need to define criteria to get to incubation and the to go to mature stage. Christopher Allen is working on this.
- Can iterate and make changes as we move forward.
- Q: Are there particular reviews for going state to state?
- Idea that within each project people are labeled as leaders. They decide when they want to go to mature, they have own internal decision making process. From there, they would need to bring it to the TSC to decide if it goes to maturation.
- VOTE: This Project LIfecycle as a starting point. We can amend over time.
- 7 of 8 present in favor (Richard abstained). Approved.
- ACTION: Chris to move it on wiki.
- Project Proposal template (Vipin Bharathan)
- Nothing has come up except for Chris’ comment that something should say “sponsor” instead of “author”
- VOTE: 8 of 8 present - unanimous. Approved.
- ACTION: Chris to move this on wiki.
- Requirements WG (Patrick Holmes)
- Meeting was announced on slack requirements channel
- Goal of group is to create system requirements… best way to do that is through use cases.
- Next meeting will take use case through entire process. Primrose (Accenture) will do work with counterfeit drugs use case.
- Will continue to use wiki.
- Next meeting time not yet set -- but will be announced on TSC list.
- Semi-active slack channel -- please join us.
- Architecture WG (Ram Jagadeesan)
- n/a today -- updates coming next week
- Whitepaper WG (Dave Voell)
- First meeting post-F2F yesterday
- Noam, Murali, and Mic are new participants (now there are 9)
- Reviewed why the group is starting with OBC article? Reiterated that it wasn’t rubber stamping OBC… it was really taking it from perspective that whitepaper was a good start in technical journalistic rigor. Set a good baseline to start developing and modifying from, to reflect what is different.
- Talked about logistics of whitepaper.
- Every 2 weeks we’ll publish new version of the draft. Want broad community feedback. We’ll define process on how people can submit comments on wiki, as well as slack and tech mailing list.
- Google docs is good for now… but will probably migrate later.
- Should we have a whitepaper for each code stack? Consensus was “no” -- this should not have any implementation details or specifics to any fabric under hyperledger banner.
- Actual edits -- accepted a bunch of earlier suggestions.
- Background section of paper -- OBC was originally designed to be permission only. However, we will modify paper to envision scope of other use cases for public permissionless type mechanism. But, this would be a later focus. Have not yet phrased this how we want. From there, it would be valuable to get Board review and agreement.
- ACTION: Finalize wording to get in front of Board to review and opine on.
- ACTION: Dave to update minutes on wiki
- Identity Subgroup (Christopher Allen)
- Reached out on mailing list -- has a starting list of people that are interested in the discussion
- Determining how to meet, how to have discussion
- Identity is an important part of a permissioned system
- Identity at the blockchain level is very different than identity from business logic level and how to handle
- May feed into requirements working group
- ACTION: Christopher Allen to canvass everyone that expressed interest, determine if they prefer a list created or just using slack.
Tooling F2F
- Steve Westmoreland suggested everyone get together for .5 day or 1 day to run through tooling needs, driving integration, Gerrit, integrate with Slack and Travis, Jenkins, etc. or whatever for build orchestration.
- ACTION: Todd to create Doodle poll -- sometime during next few weeks.
- Location: possibly New York or East Coast?
Next Technical F2F
- Next Technical F2F. Possibly 1st week of May during Consensus event?
- ACTION: Todd to send Doodle poll -- 2 days would be good. Will start soliciting space, as well.
- ChristopherA and Mic to complete the readme for the merged code proposal that was approved
- Chris Ferris to move Project Lifecycle on wiki (no longer under proposals)
- Chris Ferris to move Project Proposal on wiki (no longer under proposals)
- Dave to finalize wording of whitepaper to get in from of Board to review and opine on.
- Dave to update minutes for whitepaper WG
- Christopher Allen to canvass everyone that expressed interest in Identity subgroup, determine if they prefer a list created or just using slack.
- Todd to create Doodle poll for Tooling F2F
- Todd to create Doodle poll for Technical F2F