2016 08 18 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


August 18, 2016 (7:00am - 8:30am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Emmanuel Viale


Ajit Krishnamohan



Stan Liberman

CME Group


Tamas Blummer

Digital Asset

Andreas Fletcher (proxy)

Deutsche Boerse Group


Pardha Vishnumolakala



Hart Montgomery



Satoshi Oshima



Chris Ferris



Mic Bowman



David Voell

J.P. Morgan


Richard G. Brown



Charles Cai




  • Action Item Review
  • WG Updates

Action Item Review

  • Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
    • August 24-25, virtual (confirmed)
    • October 3-4, Amsterdam (confirmed - details coming soon)
  • Review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.2 and add semver versioning numbers (Brian)
    • Chris and Brian to work on this for next week.

TSC Steady State Election

  • Election timeline
  • We received 24 nominations for the TSC election.
  • There were no objections to begin the voting process, per the timeline.

Hyperledger-py proposal (Baohua Yang)

  • Discussion
    • Brian B:  Does this have an independent release, or is this a shim to Fabric?
    • CF:  Baohua developed this independent from the Fabric team, but no reason it needs to be independent, so we just need to see what happens in incubation.  Want to make sure that when we do a release of Python SDK that it matches one of the Hyperledger releases.
    • Pardha:  Since REST API is being deprecated, did this get updated?
    • Baohua:  Yes, added gRPC
    • Kelly Olson:  Consider naming it Fabric-py.
    • Brian B:  Would like to see another sponsor name on this proposal.
    • Mic:  Is this Python application one that would share a common interface?
    • CF:  If we had an SDK that could span multiple back-ends, that would be great -- but, i don’t think we are there.
    • Pardha:  In Explorer we were leaning towards Node.js SDK.
    • Greg Haskins:  Welcome the diversity in language options.
    • Brian B:  Let’s give this one more week.
    • ACTION:  Baohua to bring this to the Community to try to bring a few more Project sponsors to this.  Also, work on naming discussion of actual project.
    • Greg Haskins:  For Hyperledger, consider officially supporting several SDKs… and then have a broader set that is just community support.
    • CF:  Great idea.  CFF and OpenStack are like this.
    • Brian B:  May still be too young of a project.  It seems there would be enough interest in a Python SDK.  Would rather pursue this as a standard project. This proposal deserves its own repo and community.  Let’s look next week after Baohua has time to connect with the Community.

WG Updates

  • Requirements WG (Oleg Abdrashitov)
    • Switched to mailing list and bi-weekly calls.
    • Discussed requirements beyond Fabric.
    • Switching focus to the main requirements document.
    • Oleg working on Collateral Debt Swaps Use Case.
    • Oleg preparing a draft of of privacy requirements for the Arch WG.
  • Architecture WG (Ram Jagadeesan)
    • Decompose different functions into layers and modules.
    • Focus more on the what, not the how.
    • Defining interfaces for each module.
    • First track was defining smart contract layer and consensus layer, and interface between.
    • Identifying open issues
    • Second track is identifying and looking at security and privacy requirements.  Most of focus on identity services and policy services, tie-ins back to other layers we have discussed.
    • Planning to hold 2 sessions during virtual Hackfest next week.
  • Whitepaper WG (Dave Voell)
    • Will hold a walkthrough during virtual Hackfest next week.
    • If people comfortable after review -- goal should be to remove “draft” statement and make available at booth in Sibos.
  • Identity WG (Christopher Allen)
    • Update coming via email
  • CI WG (Chris Ferris)
    • Up and running with Gerrit, Jira, and Jenkins on Fabric
    • Need to find a home for read the docs output after a build
    • Want to set up a corner on Hyperledger.org (better than just pointing to Github), create a better onramp


  • ACTION:  Hackfest preparation and updates (Todd)
  • ACTION:  Review Hyperledger Release Taxonomy v0.2 and add semver versioning numbers (Brian and Chris)
  • ACTION:  Start TSC election (Todd)
  • ACTION:  Review and comment on Hyperledger-py proposal, Baohua to share proposal with Community to try to bring a few more project sponsors to it, as well as work on naming of the project. (Baohua Yang)
  • ACTION:  Communication tools (Brian/Tools)