2023-10-31 Aries Marketing Working Group Call
2023-10-31 Aries Marketing Working Group Call
- Welcome
- High level discussion
- Action items
(9am Pacific)
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94822372703?pwd=UXp4czc4VGR5N2p0ZFVHNFNOR2I3Zz09
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- Helen Garneau <Indicio> helen@indicio.tech
- Alex Metcalf <BC Gov> alex.metcalf@gov.bc.ca
Welcome / Introductions
Discussion Topics
- Animated video/Explainer video
- Audience: Developers/Business decision makers
- Purpose: Summary of project
- Storyboard: Framing "what is Aries"
- Whitepaper
- Aries overview
- lay of land - in terms of projects use cases
Other Business
Goals for marketing committee:
- Position Aries in global standards/conversations (re:privacy, VCs etc)
- More adoption/deployment (awareness of benefits)
- More reference/used (referenced in global standards)
- Highlight use of Aries with EU standards
- Advocate benefits of how it is used
- Pages, talking points, reference-able
- Community is large
- Use cases
- Demos (IIW?) - reach out/highlight those using Aries
- Blog/content calendar
- Federal/government level advisory/lobbying
- Add to community resources
- General concerns/misconceptions- campaigns/dispel myths
- Blockchain/ledger
- Crypto
- Aries supports full stack/many elements, but traditionally solutions/standards/spec should do only one thing - cultural perspective
- Aries working group call provides central coordination function in promoting common functionality/targets- regular activities to promote common standards
- Interop profiles
- Common goals
- Why Aries is what it is
- benefits of being full stack
- Flaws of other standards/stacks/technologies that are being chosen...
Future Topics
- Training and certification
- Review new pages (fact check)
Action items
Script for video
Find resources for animation (Ben)
Call Recording
, multiple selections available,