2018 10 25 TSC Meeting
Hyperledger Project
Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting
October 25, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via Zoom
TSC Members
Arnaud Le Hors | |
Baohua Yang | Yes |
Binh Nguyen | |
Christopher Ferris | Yes |
Dan Middleton | Yes |
Hart Montgomery | Yes |
Kelly Olson | Yes |
Mark Wagner | Yes |
Mic Bowman | Yes |
Nathan George | Yes |
Silas Davis | Yes |
Github: www.github.com/hyperledger
Wiki: wiki.hyperledger.org/
Public lists: lists.hyperledger.org
Meetings: wiki.hyperledger.org/community/calendar-public-meetings
Event Reminders
APAC Hackfest -- week of March 4th (details coming soon)
Schedule announced for Hyperledger Global Forum, December 12-15 (Basel, Switzerland)
Quarterly project updates
Hyperledger Iroha update
Update is read into the record
Q: is there contributor churn? How is diversity?
A: No churn, low diversity
Dan points out there are no Iroha meetings on the Community Calendar.
Comment: too many chat forums (Telegram, Chat, Gitter)
Reply: bots are used to mirror contents of Telegram to Chat
November 1st: Hyperledger Composer update
Quarterly WG updates
Technical WG China update
Update is read into the record
Comment: why a testnet?
Reply: Need place to dogfood, or run a proof-of-contribution token as an example
Comment: could more active Technical Ambassadors help?
Reply: Hyperledger is trying to recruit more
Comment: Hyperledger doesn’t fund meetups directly
Further comment: Hyperledger does provide some assistance for food when getting started, but not space rental
November 1st: Training and Education WG update
Q: Mic: what is the commitment from projects to incorporate crypto-lib?
A: Hart: none
A: Nathan: Indy wants to use ASAP
Q: would depending on crypto-lib hurt our process of 1.0?
A: Dan: no reason it would hurt
A: Dan: Sawtooth is interested in adopting, is actively involved in develop to ensure Sawtooth can use it
A: Silas: Burrow wants to use it
A: Chris: Fabric doesn’t know. There would need to be Go bindings developed; it would be a post 2.0 item
A: Salakhiev: Iroha: no plans, would consider in future
Comment: the governance structure is unique
A robust discussion follows and moved to the mailing list
Testnet discussion/proposal
Deferred to next week