2018 06 07 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


June 7, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Jonathan Levi


Kelly Olson


Mic Bowman


Nathan George



Hyperledger Global Forum, December 12-15, 2018 in Basel, Switzerland

  • CFP will close July 13, 2018 -- submit now

Hackfest Planning

  • June 27-29 | Amsterdam (registration | draft agenda)
    • If you proposed a topic in the draft agenda, please move it into the actual schedule grid that was just created.
    • Tracy to collect “getting started guide” info from the various projects by EOD Friday (6/15) to then distro to Hackfest participants on Monday (6/18).
  • *Registration now open* -- October 3-4 | Montreal (registration)
    • Note -- this is directly following Hyperledger Member Summit (Oct 1-2)

Quarterly project updates

  • Pardha Vishnumolakala provided the Hyperledger Explorer update
    • Do you support Hyperledger Fabric 1.2 beta?
      • Not yet.
    • How has the collaboration with Hyperledger Sawtooth progressed?
      • There were a few calls right after the last quarterly update and then it went quiet.  The teams have connected back up last week and expect progress soon.
    • Anything missing in Fabric Node SDK?
      • Have a list that we can send out -- and think team has created Jira ticket.  Not necessarily issues, more just waiting on additional functionality.
      • Comment that 1.2 SDK work is wrapping up next week, roughly.
    • Reach out to Tracy/Ry on tips how to grow Contributor base
  • Next week:  Hyperledger Quilt update

Quarterly WG updates

  • Ram Jagadeesan provided the Architecture WG update
    • Idea behind ideal model is to describe how you expect system to behave using idealistic assumptions.  Describe in terms of a trusted 3rd party. Characteristics look like something that can process messages in a certain way.  Use as a basis of comparison and analysis of existing systems and implementations. Can use to drive requirements discussion.  It is a vehicle for uncovering assumptions and ultimately for providing a basis for analysis.
    • A request was made for projects to nominate folks to participate in the Architecture WG.
  • Next week:  Hyperledger Identity WG update

Hyperledger Labs

  • Tracy Kuhrt provided the update
    • A question was raised regarding opening up Jira for labs.
      • Discussion ensued leading to the outcome that it is ok to give Jira to the lab that is requesting it -- if it is a problem, it will not be an option for future labs.
      • A comment was made to ensure that we continue to do a good job of drawing distinction between projects vs. labs -- possibly the labs in Jira have a labs prefix, or create a separate instance just for labs.
    • VOTE to approve Ry Jones as a lab steward -- unanimously approved.