2018 03 29 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


March 29, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton

Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Jonathan Levi

Kelly Olson


Mic Bowman


Nathan George


Hackfest Planning

  • Hackfest | June 27-29 | Amsterdam (registration | draft agenda)
  • Potentially co-locate a Hackfest on August 27-28 with Open Source Summit NA in Vancouver or on October 3-4 with Member Summit in Montreal?  Poll will be sent separately to gauge interest.

Quarterly project updates

  • Adrian Hope-Bailie provided the Hyperledger Quilt update
    • Mentioned significant change -- what motivated this?
      • Interledger historically had idea of payments being made through ledgers, ledger in flow of interledger packets -- it was a problem, ledgers weren’t performant enough to make it work if you have to cross multiple ledgers.
      • Model has changed to make interledger packet more of authorization and separate out
      • Interledger packets are parsed from connector to connector
    • Status from standardization point of view?
      • Specs have started to stabilize; most of work has moved on to other parts of stack.  Probably try again to push through standards process. IETF seems to be more focused on telecoms, whereas this is more payments focus.  Trying to find the right forum for this.
  • Next week:  Hyperledger Fabric update

Quarterly WG updates

  • Identity WG update
  • Important to get broader involvement from the other projects -- everyone needs identity, this is one area that deserves that we all come to agreement on how we treat identity in respective platforms.
  • Talking about beyond just writing a spec, but also an implementation -- would that be a new project?  ...or changes to indy?
    • Discussed during creation of Identity WG charter -- Envisaged it as a thin layer around a blockchain solution.  Start with something concrete -- how to interop between, for example, Sawtooth and Fabric using Indy or an identity utility.  A layer that would create some type of adapter. Would need one more thing -- a kind of adapter to legacy systems. A lot of work is happening in W3C, etc.
  • Status of W3C standards and how Hyperledger is involved?
    • Hyperledger does not have a direct contribution to them -- just some people lurking.  In addition, the DID spec has several folks from Indy that are active (and also active in Identity WG).
  • Next week:  Performance and Scale WG update

Finalize discussion regarding 1.0 before leaving incubation

  • Proposed verbiage based on discussion over last several weeks (Chris factored in most of Jonathan Levi’s suggestions during the call).
  • VOTE:  Unanimous.
    • Consider creating a standard template for 1.0 like we have for incubation/active status.
    • Discussions in Arch WG about support of multiple frameworks.
    • Brian noted that the question seems to be regarding the obligation on developers themselves… i.e. getting to 1.0, but also opening the process up to external developers, building a community, etc.  Broader question is where do we reinforce to developers that they need to build community, not just code.
    • Further discussion on mailing list here.

Template to standardize and launch WGs

  • Proposal & email thread
  • Brian gave overview noting that it is a generic WG template with the intent of launching sector-specific WGs (several in the works).
  • Want to help TSC with its oversight prerogative.
  • In terms of existing WGs -- could potentially grandfather them in.
  • Discussion around comments in Google doc (comments/resolutions noted in the actual doc)
  • Continue discussion on mailing list and in the Google doc, bring back for discussion in  next week’s TSC meeting.

Additional topics for next week:

  • Turn Hyperledger Fabric bug bounty public?