2018 11 08 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


November 8, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via Zoom

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris

Dan Middleton


Hart Montgomery


Kelly Olson


Mark Wagner


Mic Bowman


Nathan George

Silas Davis



Upcoming Meeting Cancellations

  • November 22nd - Thanksgiving holiday in the US

  • December 20th and 27th - End of the year holidays

  • Should we also cancel the December 13th meeting because of HGF? TSC members should comment on #tsc channel regarding whether they will be in Basel. We will decide based on schedule and attendees as to whether we should cancel.

Event Reminders

Quarterly project updates

  • Hyperledger Indy update

    • Sam Curren presented

    • Happy with progress, but there is still more to do

    • 15000 commits with 131 contributors

    • New sub-project: Hyperledger Indy Catalyst - community holder for verifiable credentials

    • A lot of work is going on surrounding agents

    • What is Indy doing around performance and scalability? Can someone from Indy represent at the PSWG? Sprint demos are posted on YouTube. The last four have had information on the work that has been done around performance and scalability.

    • Single sprint vs. multiple team sprints - difficult in the community to line up work that is dependent on other things. Misalignment of schedules will delay dependent work. Trying to have better visibility in the overall plan so that dependencies can be seen.

    • Identity WG would like closer involvement and input from Hyperledger Indy community. Indy community would like to have more cross-collaboration from DIF and the Identity WG

Quarterly WG updates

  • None until next quarter

Supply Chain

  • Proposal

    • Have we gone to the board regarding whether this fits within the scope of Hyperledger? Agenda topic for the next Governing Board meeting includes charter/scope question.

    • Where does this project end and the application begin? Example use cases will inform the design to find commonalities across the use cases. An application would be how the user interacts with the system. This project does not focus on those, but on making application development easier for supply chains.

    • Sawtooth has a sample application. Which modules would be part of the project? The interface/Web application (Universal client RFC) would be inside the project to make it easier to generate the client application, but the instantiation of a specific application would be outside of this project.

    • Will the project describe/prescribe data objects for widgets, locations, etc? Will the project be providing the definition for assets? We would be giving them a representation for industry-standard assets for a starting place or wholly reusable component for the specific application. A desire to have more scaffolding above the key/value pair.

    • What will be produced? Data formats for assets? How do I use this with the different Hyperledger frameworks (e.g., Fabric)? Contract libraries will be built initially based on WASM. Data models and data types, universal client generator.

    • This project presumes portability between platforms. How are we going to make that a reality? Chicken/egg problem where this may be a project that helps the conversation.

    • Who is committing to supporting more than one platform? Who is working on this other than Sawtooth committers? Experience shows that without support from other platforms people do not show up to do the work.

    • There seem to be a number of discussions going on. Request that we focus on #2.

      • Issue #1: What does the charter really say? Not a TSC decision.

      • Issue #2: Specificity of the proposal

      • Issue #3: Cross-platform is difficult to realize. We have two ways to approach this: (1) follow through on the commitments ahead of time for cross-platform or (2) we drop this requirement. Whatever we decide, we need to apply both going forward and looking backward.