2018 04 26 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


April 26, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors


Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery

Jonathan Levi


Kelly Olson


Mic Bowman


Nathan George


Hackfest Planning

Quarterly project updates

  • Eugene Mininbaev provided the Hyperledger Iroha update
  • Are there plans to integrate with other projects?
    • No concrete plans yet, but either Composer or Explorer could be useful.
  • What is the status of interaction with the rest of the Hyperledger Community?
    • Have been using Telegram and Gitter, as such, missing things on rocket.chat -- TSC made the suggestion to stop using other channels and focus solely on the formal Hyperledger channels 
    • TSC made the recommendation to engage with Community more at Hackfests, via TSC call, WGs, etc.
    • Have been publishing issues to try to attract new contributors -- open to help/advice on further growing the Iroha community.
    • A comment made that it is import to have a diverse set of not only Contributors, but also Maintainers.
    • A request was made for more input from Iroha into the Architecture WG -- let the WG know if there are any barriers to participation that can get resolved.
    • The TSC reiterated that they and the Community are here to help -- want to get more cross-project collaboration, grow diversity of committers and maintainers, etc.

  • Simon Stone provided the Hyperledger Composer update
    • A question was raised about the license headers.
      • Tracy has been running fossology scans -- many files didn’t have license headers -- so, going through to resolve all those.
    • A question was raised about the security audit.
      • Dave Huseby met with Nettitude yesterday, on track.
    • A comment was made that contributor diversity appears to be going down -- let TSC and Community know how we can help.
      • A comment was made that contribution does not always have to be code -- documentation, contributing to testing, etc. are all important.
      • A suggestion was made to take a set of bugs in issue tracker and mark them with a special “bite sized” tag for good learning experiences to attract new devs.
  • Next week:  Hyperledger Indy update

Quarterly WG updates

  • Nate DeNiro provided the Healthcare WG update
    • 25-30 people have been attending calls.
    • Healthcare WG was really helpful in prep for HIMSS in March with demos and talking in our booth
    • A comment was made that there seems to be a struggle to define what the WG wants to achieve -- maybe revisit charter as a guiding principle.
  • May 10th:  Technical WG China update

Discussion:  Public Sector WG

  • Proposal
  • Inclusive of social impact?  Not likely, even though there is some grey area.
  • Focus on usages, PoCs, Pilots?  Or, also a role for informed policy?  Want to stay away from anything that hints at lobbying.
  • Please take discussion to mailing list -- we will revisit this topic next week.