2018 07 19 TSC Meeting

Hyperledger Project

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting


July 19, 2018 (7:00am - 8:00am PT) via GoToMeeting

TSC Members

Arnaud Le Hors

Baohua Yang


Binh Nguyen


Christopher Ferris


Dan Middleton


Greg Haskins


Hart Montgomery


Jonathan Levi

Kelly Olson


Mic Bowman

Nathan George




  • Next Hackfest -- October 3-4 | Montreal (registration)

  • Q1 2019 -- planning for APAC (likely Hong Kong or Singapore)

  • Annual TSC Election timing & process (nominations begin August 9th)

    • Start reviewing the list of those eligible next week

Quarterly project updates

  • Adrian Hope-Bailie provided the Hyperledger Quilt update

    • A suggestion was made that Adrian or the Hyperledger Quilt Maintainers attend and participate in the Architecture WG as Quilt is the most prominent interoperability solution under the Hyperledger umbrella.  (Vipin to send meeting details to Adrian)

  • Dan Middleton provided the Hyperledger Sawtooth update

    • A request was made for a short description of PoET2.

      • Some research for evolving PoET since last year --  PoET2 reduces hardware requirements, which should increase the breadth of machines that are capable of running PoET with its BFT features.  You can always run PoET on any architecture if you cut back on that Byzantine protection, there are different configurations that support that out of the box.

    • How many people attend weekly calls?  Some calls a few, others ~20.

  • Next week:  Hyperledger Iroha update

Quarterly WG update

  • [vote] Change Chair of Public Sector WG to Rose Shuman (in place of Marta Piekarska) https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/tsc/message/1547

    • Unanimously approved.

  • Hart Montgomery provided the Whitepaper WG update

    • Whitepaper is complete -- just waiting on final “green light” from Hyperledger staff, but that is imminent.

    • Plan is for Whitepaper WG to go dormant -- no scheduled calls, but the mailing list and rocket.chat channel will stay intact for anyone that wants to solicit expertise from the group.

  • Next week:  Healthcare WG update and Technical WG China update

IBAN Portability Project

  • Federica and team provided an overview of proposal (full discussion in recording on wiki)

  • Q:  As this seems to be an application layer that would leverage a DLT underneath as opposed to a formal component of a platform, does it only work with Hyperledger Fabric, or could it be used with other DLTs?

    • Using Hyperledger Fabric because of presence of channels and privacy being a key component of the requirements.

    • From an implementation standpoint, there do not seem to be any specific constraints from using with other DLTs.

  • A comment made that it does not seem to fall within scope of Hyperledger, since it is at the application or solution layer.

  • Discussion ensued leading to the outcome that the IBAN Portability Project is best suited to explore going in to Hyperledger Labs.  Chris Ferris began that discussion thread to guide it forward.

[pending] Copyright discussion (no action during this meeting)