2021-04-27 Meeting Agenda

2021-04-27 Meeting Agenda

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct


Hyperledger Global Forum June 8-10, 2021, more information here: https://www.hyperledger.org/event/hyperledger-global-forum-2021

Hyperledger Social Impact SIG blogpost: https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/03/18/contamination-fires-and-pollution-oh-my-human-consumption-and-the-barriers-to-a-circular-economy

Hyperledger Social Impact new Linkedin Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/72283186/

Hyperledger Mentorship Program, Mentee application closes May 7th 2021. List of 2021 Projects



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Community Presentation: Digital ID

Shashank Rai, CTO, United Nations International Computing Centre

Shashank is the Chief Technology Officer of UN ICC and heads the Solution Architecture Section. With over 21 years of experience in diverse industry verticals from telecoms, Air Transport, Financial and Energy sectors, working in start-ups to Fortune-500 companies; Shashank has been with the UN ICC for last 4 years.

He started his career in hands-on security penetration testing, “smashing the stack for fun and profit”. Over the years he has lived in various part of world – Middle East, Canada, UK and now working for the UN, in Switzerland.

Beyond the buzzwords, his strength is to apply deep technical knowledge to transform business activities.

As George Bernard Shaw puts it “Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby” – apart from his hobby of tinkering with technology, Shashank also loves trekking.

Meeting Recording

Meeting Information

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/6223336701?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09

Meeting ID: 622 333 6701

Passcode: 475869