2022-02-01 Meeting Notes
2022-02-01 Meeting Notes
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
Hyperledger Challenge 2022 has begun!
Discussion items
- 2022 Goals: Bridging the Silos Initiative
- Hyperledger Trade Finance SIG and Hyperledger Supply Chain SIG joining forces to become one SIG
- Ways Social Impact SIG can support
- Social Impact Liaison Role
- Governance/consensus for Social Impact Liaisons as they join other SIG, WG, etc. to promote social impact endeavors
- Discussion on the future of the SIG
- The SIG has agreed to Archive in order to drive greater participation across Hyperledger SIGs, WGs and will work to bring Social Impact to the greater Hyperledger community.
- Social Impact Liaison Role
- Blogpost(s)
- Alicia Noel Blockchain for Social Impact in Agriculture.
- Postponed indefinitely
- Marc Liberati- UN Volunteers is consolidating feedback from Young UN/UniCoin project. Can put together a post of lessons learned, findings on how to optimize, incentivize care work. Possibly for fall.
- Saintgits team
- Other suggestions?
- Alicia Noel Blockchain for Social Impact in Agriculture.
- Speakers
- Agriculture Sub-SIG
- Should they be listed as a subgroup on https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/social-impact-sig?
Meeting Recording
, multiple selections available,