2019-08-20 Meeting notes



Agenda & Meeting Notes

1IntroNew participants

Introductions: Who's new to the group or call? Let's get to know each other and what we're working on in the 'blockchain for impact' world

2Survey Results & NEXT STEPSKaren

You are here because...you want to learn & explore, build a perspective blockchain in social impact and meet others in the process

You want to contribute by:

ActivityInterested partiesAction Item/Next Step
Drafting a whitepaper
Adam Lambert
  1. Communicate separately to decide on a topic, potentially from preferred topics listed below
  2. Start an outline

Doing research on this space including mapping use cases and best practices

Alfonso Govela

Jim Cupples

Adam Lambert

  1. Identify, cull, highlight resources on use cases and best practices
  2. Determine what is out there and what is missing from these resources, could be overall or in a specific topic area (see preferred topics below)
  3. Potentially add to existing resources or create our own resource
  4. Share what we have learned or drawn up through a blog, solution brief, white paper, database, etc. that includes our own POV on this technology in this space
Connecting and liaising with others in the Hyperledger communityAndres "Dre" Bonifacio Bobbi Muscara
  1. Based on above activities and interests coming from this group, identify 1-2 groups that may help inform, knowledge-share, or have lessons learned to share on what we're doing
    1. 2019-08-21 ID WG (sample agenda)

It is important to you that we…be a thought leader to shape the technology, shape standards, consider environmental impacts, and understand what is being done already

You want to do the above in...digital currencies, aid/philanthropy, supply chain, and best practices in implementation

And so first we will...define use cases, best practices, identify project proposals in proposed areas, and start a white paper on the above

Please review the results here:


  • EdX developing a course and needs examples–may be an output of our research group Bobbi Muscara
  • WorldVision: mexico and timor leste use case Alfonso Govela
3SIG Chair Election ProcessKaren 

Will share an update on the next meeting

4PresentationCornelius Saunders, ID2020
  • Not exclusively focused on blockchain technologies, "coalition of the willing"
  • Focus: funding and implementing high impact projects, will be involved in Kiva protocol in future, advocate for ethical practices in digital identity
  • Have annual events, summits and retreats
  • Indonesia Project
    • uneven subsidy for fuel program, wealthiest quarter capturing 33% of benefits
    • 5000 established digital identity, helped with more fair access
    • biometric, facial and fingerpoint non-touch, mobile app–there was an issue with headscarves blocking facial recognition, also issue with fingerprints that were illegible
    • Used EverID platform
  • Mae La Camp in Thailand
    • uses Hyperledger Indy
    • 35000 identities in refugee camp
    • iRespond and Evernym implemented
    • improves access to services in the camp, improves continuity of care
    • Use apps that allow them to keep records and use it outside of the camp
    • Sensitivities with population because they are not completely welcome in Thailand and have fleed from Myanmar, need to ensure ethics around informed consent and ensuring that the identities can't be used against the population
    • Information unraveling–negative party can't access sensitive information, for example, if just vulnerable population has a smart card, then just owning one can be a risk

Meeting Recording

Action items
