2021-08-31 Meeting notes
2021-08-31 Meeting notes
- Shawn Wilborne
- Christopher Berno
- 2021 SI-SIG Roadmap:
- Presentations
- MOBI - Postponed to Sept. 28
- Flyer is being made
- Post to LinkedIn
- Post to Supply Chain SIG and Climate Action SIG Mailing Lists
- The Giving Chain - Bobbi Muscara
- https://thegivingchain.org/index.html
- Currently running a food drive for the Princeton project
- Kickoff project in September
- Giving Chain will come present to the SIG - Oct. 26
- Climate Action SIG - will present Oct. 12
- UniCoin Project - Alicia Noel will ask Marc Liberati if he can present an update on the UniCoin project
- Rutgers Blockchain Group - Alicia Noel will ask if the students can come present what they are seeing and working on.
- MOBI - Postponed to Sept. 28
- Hackathon
- Proposing a Worldwide Hackathon
- Replicate India Hackathon on a global scale, include Hyperledger Africa, Hyperledger India
- Need to find a time that works for ALL of the SIGs
- Next cross-SIG meeting is in September.
- David Boswell is coordinating
- Alicia Noel to ask Rutgers Blockchain group if they want to be involved
- Proposing a Worldwide Hackathon
- Blogposts
- Shawn Wilborne: Part 2 of the 4 part series: Hazardous materials. Call to action in the future for Hackathon/developing a Hyperledger Labs project
- Ready for review! Feel free to comment directly: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Am3ZbGQdRa7sgY-1Igp5xO2fZHxwg_I?e=cWUjZS
- Target date: September
- Bobbi Muscara
- Blogpost on The Giving Chain project - will share a draft this week.
- Will include GoFundMe Link
- Blogpost on The Giving Chain project - will share a draft this week.
- Alicia Noel Blockchain for Social Impact in Agriculture.
- Target date: October
- Marc Liberati- UN Volunteers is consolidating feedback from Young UN/UniCoin project. Can put together a post of lessons learned, findings on how to optimize, incentivize care work. Possibly for fall.
- Other suggestions?
- Shawn Wilborne: Part 2 of the 4 part series: Hazardous materials. Call to action in the future for Hackathon/developing a Hyperledger Labs project
- Future Presentations
- Does anyone have suggestions for future presentations?
- Textile space??
- Sustainable mobility
- https://dlt.mobi/ - Tram Vo postponed until Tuesday, Sept. 28.
- https://devpost.com/software/a-fysvau
- Does anyone have suggestions for future presentations?
- Launching a SI-SIG project
- Other project suggestions?
- The SIG could focus on the Giving Chain
- Unicoin is looking for online volunteers
- Other project suggestions?
- Community Outreach
- Social Media (Linkedin, Twitter, etc.)
- Start 'call to action' promotion beginning of September
- Start promoting Mobi event in mid September
- Post to LinkedIn
- Post to Supply Chain SIG and Climate Action SIG Mailing Lists
- Promote Shawn's blogpost mid to late September
- Promote Bobbi's blogpost when it goes live
- Social Media (Linkedin, Twitter, etc.)
- Desired wiki page changes
- Organize meeting notes links on the left side of the page
- Chris will take notes as he explores the wiki and share them
- Other ideas?
- Presentations
Meeting Information
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/6223336701?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
Meeting ID: 622 333 6701
Passcode: 475869
, multiple selections available,