2019-09-05 Meeting notes



Agenda & Meeting Notes

New SIG Chair AnnouncementKaren Ottoni 

Chair Contact Information:

Nancy Min

email: Nancym@ecolongllc.com

Survey Results & NEXT STEPSKaren

You are here because...you want to learn & explore, build a perspective blockchain in social impact and meet others in the process

You want to contribute by:

ActivityInterested partiesAction Item/Next Step
Drafting a whitepaper

Adam Lambert

Ric Shreves

Leila Yosef

Bobbi Muscara

Alissa Worley

  1. Communicate separately to decide on a topic, potentially from preferred topics listed below
  2. Start an outline

Doing research on this space including mapping use cases and best practices

  1. Identify, cull, highlight resources on use cases and best practices
  2. Determine what is out there and what is missing from these resources, could be overall or in a specific topic area (see preferred topics below)
  3. Potentially add to existing resources or create our own resource
  4. Share what we have learned or drawn up through a blog, solution brief, white paper, database, etc. that includes our own POV on this technology in this space
Connecting and liaising with others in the Hyperledger community
  1. Based on above activities and interests coming from this group, identify 1-2 groups that may help inform, knowledge-share, or have lessons learned to share on what we're doing
    1. 2019-08-21 ID WG (sample agenda)
    2. Identify speakers to do presentations on Hyperledger Projects
Other Activities to add/consider not in the survey results

It is important to you that we…be a thought leader to shape the technology, shape standards, consider environmental impacts, and understand what is being done already

You want to do the above in...digital currencies, aid/philanthropy, supply chain, and best practices in implementation

And so first we will...define use cases, best practices, identify project proposals in proposed areas, and start a white paper on the above

Please review the results here:


  • EdX developing a course and needs examples–may be an output of our research group Bobbi Muscara
  • WorldVision: mexico and timor leste use case Alfonso Govela
  • Karen Ottoni Nancy Min Will create pages on wiki for each activity to start brainstorming
Attend and Speak at Hyperledger Global ForumKaren

Hyperledger Global Forum 2020 I Registration Now Open

Register to Attend

Hyperledger Global Forum will offer the unique opportunity for users and contributors of Hyperledger projects from across the globe to meet, align, plan and hack together in-person. Open to members and non-members alike, attendees will have the chance to talk directly with Hyperledger project maintainers and the Technical Steering Committee, collaborate with other organizations on ideas that will directly impact the future of Hyperledger, and promote their work among the enterprise blockchain community.

The agenda will comprise of both a technical and enterprise track, roadmaps for Hyperledger projects, cross-industry keynotes and panels on use cases in development, social networking for the community to bond, and hacking activities with mentors to help deliver specific pipeline features and bring developers up the learning curve.


March 3 - 6, 2020

Phoenix Convention Center

Phoenix, Arizona



Submit a Talk>>Individually or the SIG can submit a talk too!

Submit a talk to present at Hyperledger Global Forum. Types of Submissions can include:

  • Think Tank (approximately 40 minutes)
  • Workshop (approximately half or full day)
  • Demo Theater (approximately 15 minutes)
  • Panel Discussion (maximum 4 panelists & 1 moderator, approximately 40 minutes)
  • Presentation (maximum 2 presenters, approximately 40 minutes)

The deadline to submit is September 27 at 11:59 PM (PDT).


SDG Hackathon - Let's get a Hyperledger team!Karen

Scaling Impact for the SDGs Hackathon, a 2-day in-person hackathon geared toward real, sustainable outcomes.

Who: Blockchain Developers, Sponsors, and Mentors


September 20th from 5-7pm – Special Education Session

September 21st- 22nd  Hackathon

Where: NYC Blockchain Center (54 W 21st Street, Suite 1001, 10th Floor)

What: Developers and entrepreneurs will work to solve three challenges framed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – focused primarily on:

  • Goal 6: Clean Water & Sanitation
  • Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities

Developers Can Apply Here! (Deadline September 12)

  • Hackathon teams will be limited to a minimum of 3 participants and maximum of 4; gender diversity is strongly encouraged.
  • Hackathon teams must include a minimum of one developer and one individual focused on strategy or business.
  • All team members must be present for the 2-day in-person hackathon.
  • Developers are encouraged to apply both individually and as a team. If you don’t have a team and are selected to participate, we will match you with a team.

Mentors Can Apply Here! (Deadline September 12)

  • Mentors should either have a solid technical background and experience building on/using one of the aforementioned blockchains OR extensive international development and/or strategy experience.
  • Mentors will advise teams before and during the hackathon.
  • Mentors are expected to attend the hackathon in-person.
  • Please note that there are limited spots available for mentors.

>>Lindsay interested in pulling together a Hyperledger team, Karen will put in touch w/James Waugh, NYC Meetup Organizer

Other Events & Announcements
  • Aid and International Development Forum 2019. Ronald Reagan Building in Washington D.C. on the 4 & 5 September 2019 http://www.aidforum.org/

  • San Francisco Blockchain Week, B4SJ has partnered with Techstars to do a startup weekend for Blockchain for Good. Interested in being a judge, coach, or sponsor for the event? It's Oct 25-27 in San Francisco. 
  • ID2020 NYC September 19th–Alissa, Ric, Lindsay attending
  • OECD Global Blockchain Policy Forum, Paris, Sept 12-13
  • Ukiyo Conference in Osaka, Japan, October 7

Action items


Meeting Recordings