2019-04-30 Meeting notes

2019-04-30 Meeting notes


Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NC8lshs00UA_iJ_FSNJOQQDvTxGDg40i



  • Introductions: Who's new to the group or call? Let's get to know each other and what we're working on in the 'blockchain for impact' world
  • Debate & Discussion: Continuing from the previous call's presentation, Alissa Worley from Accenture will facilitate a conversation around Digital Identity. Key outcome: How would this community like to explore this topic further? Please be prepared with your thoughts and suggestions.
  • Survey: Review proposed questions
  • How to create an LFID and edit the Wiki
  • Miscellaneous: Share any comments, ideas, announcements, upcoming events.

Meeting Notes

  • Debate & Discussion: Continuing from the previous call's presentation, Alissa Worley from Accenture facilitated a conversation around Digital Identity. We discussed:
    • What Digital Identity is, definition, why it's important
    • Issues with incomplete identity information or access
    • Separate digital ID and land rights category
    • Combine philanthropy and aid transparency
    • Separate remittances and P2P
    • Add public health, agriculture as categories
    • Considerations (to add)
      • willingness to participate
      • stateless individuals
      • Digital identity of things
      • rights of the child
      • biometrics in the cloud–lose?
      • German law requires ID to be carried at all times, varying requirements for different jurisdictions and environments
  • Survey: We made several suggested additions:
    • Add more variety of impact roles such as: entrepreneur, founder, project manager, program manager, project director, academic, government official, regulator, data analyst
    • Add acitivties: contribute to a work product, lead a work product, happy to just listen to calls, research, liaise with Hyperledger working groups, operations management (take notes, update wiki)
  • How to create an LFID and edit the Wiki: postponed to next call