2019-06-25 Meeting notes

2019-06-25 Meeting notes


Meeting Recording



Agenda and Notes


Introductions: Who's new to the group or call?

Call Leader

Review Outstanding Action Items

Call Leader

LFID: Quick review on how to set up, more detail here: Setting up an LFID

Adding to SI - SIG Directory


Survey: Need to draft email to send outKaren

Who would like to volunteer? Bobbi Muscarato draft

Other SIGS: What are they working on?

Supply Chain project proposals: SC-SIG Project Proposals (2019-2020)

Public Sector Whitepaper

Healthcare Subgroups HC-SIG - Healthcare Interoperability Subgroup (Archived)HC-SIG - Patient Subgroup (Archived)HC-SIG - Payer Subgroup

Supply Chain Project Proposals SC-SIG Project Proposals (2019-2020)

Identity WG Whitepaper


Reaching out to new membersTemplate Invitation to Join Hyperledger Social Impact Special Interest Group

KarenHow about each person send 2 emails before our next call inviting a new person to join our group?

Event report out: Anything to share from recent blockchain+impact events you've attended?

  • Blockchain for Social Impact
    • Not a lot of NGOs represented
    • Emphasis on crypto philanthropy
    • Working group activities—brainstorming use cases in several sectors
    • Blockchain in latin america projects
  • InterAction Forum
    • CEO/COO of Ngos (Interact, usAID, Pact etc)
    • Innovation track–no discussion of blockchain
    • Big gap in operational/implementers and blockchain community
      • why? risk averse? not ready? what are the issues? too early?
      • not enterprise wide, most projects too early pilot stage
      • add into thinking of broader digitalisation efforts
    • >>Opportunity for us to act as bridge? What can we as a group do to make the value proposition clear

Libra Association Announcement: What is it? What does this intend to do? Who is involved and why? What does it mean for our sector? https://techcrunch.com/2019/06/18/facebook-libra/

Ran out of time, moved to the next call

Action items