
I. Welcome 

         Antitrust Policy Antitrust Policy Notice
II. Introductions from people new to the call:

III. EdX Update / Discussion:

  • Status of Working Groups Efforts  to track work requests EdX Updates ( Silona)
  • UPDATE ON COURSEWARE: (Flavia)  EdX Updates:
    1. Blockchain for Business
    2. Technical Course
  • System to REVIEW FOR ACCURACY all new courseware.

IV.  Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions) 

  1. Home Page  
  2. Resources Page
  3. Team Member page
  4. New Membership Drive

V. Support other Working Groups and Special Interest Groups

VI.   2019 Team / Individual Objectives

Learning Materials Development Working Group

developing open source training material to educate people interested in expanding their knowledge of Hyperledger and its projects.

identify training needs and develop strategies, as well as, material to address those needs. The output of this working group targets both technical and non-technical audiences.

The goal of this group is to help develop the following free and open source training materials:

  • presentations

  • graphics (both still and motion)

  • webinars

  • videos

  • self-paced training

  • instructor-led training (to include both presentations and labs)

  • sample code used during training, hosted on Github

  • meetup kits  (CHAT QUESTION)

VII. Presentations:

           Chris Ferris "Understanding Hyperledger Fabric"

VIII. Old Business:

IX. New Business

X. Close

  • Next meeting May 6 2019.