I. Welcome
Anti Trust Policy Antitrust Policy Notice
II. Introductions from people new to the call:
III. EdX Update / Discussion:
- Status of Working Groups Efforts to track work requests EdX Updates
- Rocket Chat Requests
IV. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions)
- Updated Home Page
- Bi-weekly meeting agenda and meeting recordings and notes
- Table for Framework Resources
- Resource Page
- Best Practices Resource Checklist: Need to create a process by which standards are applied.
- Membership Drive folder
- New Member Page
James - Key Terminology will incorporate work from IROHA
- Team Member Page -
V. Support other Working Groups and Special Interest Groups:
- Encourage member to join other Working Groups and Special Interest Groups as representatives of the Learning Materials Working Group.
VI. 2019 Team / Individual Objectives
Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSXgakhm22RYZt9S5QgljbEEWh_AcW1sn5GsbsLxXStAo6eQ/viewform
Edit and test Materials : David Boswell
VII. Recruitment:
- All (12) Projects should have representation in Learning Material resources, then representation should extend to Working Groups and Special Interest Groups.
- . Universities - Hack-a-thons, Internships, Labs develop ecosystems. MEETUPS
VII. Presentations:
Hyperledger Overview Q1, 2019
VII. Old Business:
Newcomers and existing Members , Project sign up .
VIII. New Business
IX. Close
- Next meeting April 8th, 2019.