Meeting Agenda December 14, 2020
Meeting Agenda December 14, 2020
Join Group https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/learning-materials-development-wg
Anti Trust and Code of code of conduct.
Introduction for new community members
Alfonso as Co- Chair -
II. EdX and Github Update / Discussion
- EdX Updates: Lasted courses available and EDX, Flavia's updates
- GitHub Repository
- Meetup Organizers
Global Meetups
- Community Blog
- Marketing
IV. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions)
Still need Graphics
- Resource Page :
- Projects
- Working groups and special interest groups -WEEKLY MEETING UPDATE
- USE Cases
Key Terms Hyperledger Glossary for marketing: DISCUSSION ON NEW TERMS
VI New Business
- Presentation by Arno Pernthaler from DEC, DLT Education Consortium. DEC envisions to become a knowledge assessment organization with a Global Passport for Distributed Ledger Technologies and Digital Assets. Arno shall present their set of courses and certifications created in association with UCL, Frankfurt School, Lucerne University and IIIT-Hyderabad. https://decinstitute.org/
VII. Old Business
Ravi - Moving Starter Kit to Labs Discuss
VIII. Close:
Next Meeting January 11, 2021
, multiple selections available,