December 30, 2019
I. Welcome
Join Group
Introduction to Learning Materials Working Group
Antitrust Policy Antitrust Policy Notice
Introductions from people on the call
II. Changes to the working group structure: Task Force
III. EdX Update / Discussion
- EdX Updates :
- call for Hyperledger Fabric Developers exam beta testers LFD272 Fabric Developer (CHFD)
- Scheduled Edits Technical offering is being edited by BLOCKCHAIN TRAINING ALLIANCE so no need for us to evaluate.
- Github Repository
- Nathalie's Report.
- Ravi's Contribution Basic Fabric Functions
IV. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions)
- Landing Page / New Member Sign -up
- Task Member Sign-Up
- USE Case
- Surveys
Key Terms: - Resources Page:
- Best Practices Page
- Meet-up Project
- Graphic Standards:
V. Old Business:
VI. New Business
Setting up a Task force to Organize the TSC documentation Library and create qualifications to earn Best Practices Badge for Active Projects
Best Practices Badges / CII Badge requirements Core Infrastructure Initiative