2021-10-12 Meeting notes
2021-10-12 Meeting notes
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.
Dr. Jubilant Kizhakkethottam
Danilo Altomar
Aneena Ann
Randy Givens
- 2021 SI-SIG Roadmap:
- Upcoming Presentations
- Oct. 12 - Climate Action SIG on new Corporate Social Responsibility project - opportunity for cross-collaboration
- Oct. 26 - Hardik Gupta, Madhu Bhatia from The Giving Chain
- https://thegivingchain.org/index.html - GoFundMe link is still active. Also using Linux Foundation crowdfunding page for investors.
- Will include a discussion of best practices for a new project, especially as related to Firefly
- Nov. 23 - Yoma Project
- Dec. 7 - Rutgers Blockchain Group - Emily Hsiao will give a group overview, Sivani Divakarla will discuss a project she's doing with a professor to aid social workers and children in the foster care system
- Ideas for future presentations
- Textile space??
- Marc Liberati - Climate project ideas and feedback. Possibly November?
- Hackathon
- Proposing a Worldwide Hackathon
- Update: Arun from Hyperledger India is getting involved. They are trying to create an out-of-the-box hackathon model that can be recreated.
- Replicate India Hackathon on a global scale, include Hyperledger Africa, Hyperledger India
- Need to find a time that works for ALL of the SIGs
- Next cross-SIG meeting is in September (Sept. 30?).
- David Boswell is coordinating
- Emily Hsiao of Rutgers Business School Blockchain Hub told Alicia Noel that they would like to be involved. Alicia invited them to attend a SIG meeting to learn more.
- Proposing a Worldwide Hackathon
- Blogposts
- Shawn Wilborne: Part 2 of the 4 part series: Hazardous materials. Call to action in the future for Hackathon/developing a Hyperledger Labs project
- Ready for review! Feel free to comment directly: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Am3ZbGQdRa7sgY-1Igp5xO2fZHxwg_I?e=cWUjZS
- Finalize comments and updates before Sept. 28 meeting
- Target date: end of September/first week of October
- Bobbi Muscara
- Blogpost on The Giving Chain project - https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/08/25/the-giving-chain-blockchain-powering-generosity.
- Alicia Noel Blockchain for Social Impact in Agriculture.
- Target date: October
- Marc Liberati- UN Volunteers is consolidating feedback from Young UN/UniCoin project. Can put together a post of lessons learned, findings on how to optimize, incentivize care work. Possibly for fall.
- Saintgits team -
- draft. Please share edits by Friday, Oct. 15, 2021.
- Other suggestions?
- Shawn Wilborne: Part 2 of the 4 part series: Hazardous materials. Call to action in the future for Hackathon/developing a Hyperledger Labs project
- Community Outreach
- Social Media (Linkedin, Twitter, etc.)
- Promote Shawn's blogpost - scheduled for end of September/beginning of October
- Promote Bobbi's blogpost when and promotional video it goes live
- Social Media (Linkedin, Twitter, etc.)
- Climate Action SIG presentation on new Corporate Social Responsibility project (Woody Moore and Robin Klemens)
- CSR Reporting WG - Follow up via the wiki page
- Value proposition canvas - https://app.mural.co/t/blockchain4313/m/blockchain4313/1633965104533/99e73afecbd9dd3587b5ce51311fa2487ce53bc5?sender=8fe04b21-4a5f-4080-8e56-af08ab9669f8
- There will be several murals from different perspectives.
- Agriculture Sub-SIG intro
- Team from Saintgits Blockchain Labs, Saintgits College of Engineering (Kerala, India)
- Nancy Min will be creating a page for the sub-SIG, and include a link the presentation deck.
- The link to the new SI - SIG: Agriculture Subsector SIG!
- Team from Saintgits Blockchain Labs, Saintgits College of Engineering (Kerala, India)
- Upcoming Presentations
Meeting Recap
Meeting Information
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/6223336701?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
Meeting ID: 622 333 6701
Passcode: 475869
, multiple selections available,