2022-10-11 Indy Contributors Call
2022-10-11 Indy Contributors Call
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/99220079317?pwd=OHk0U05ITnBkSmZ0aXlIQzFDYWg3UT09
- Update on the "mixed node" problem
- Update on Sovrin Node pipeline
- AnonCreds outside of Indy
- Q&A
Recording of Call: dummyfile.txt
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Welcome and Introductions
Wade Barnes (Neoteric Technologies Inc.) <wade@neoterictech.ca>
Philipp Schlarb (esatus AG) <p.schlarb@esatus.com>
Christian Bormann (Robert Bosch GmbH) <christiancarl.bormann@de.bosch.com>
Lynn Gray Bendixsen (Indicio) <lynn@indicio.tech>
Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
Daniel Bluhm (Indicio) <daniel@indicio.tech>
Gary de Beer (One37) <gary.debeer@one37id.com>
Char Howland (Indicio PBC) <char@indicio.tech>
Related Calls and Announcements
- DIF Interop WG is conducting a survey: https://forms.gle/aLxj8MK2TuViyMav5
- Help shape the topics of future WG meetings!
Release Status and Work Updates
- Indy Node
- Indy SDK
- Indy Monitoring - https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-monitor
- Indy Node Container - https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container
- Indy/Aries Shared Libraries - Hyperledger (indy-vdr, indy-shared-rs, aries-askar)
- Ursa
- Indy DID Method – https://hyperledger.github.io/indy-did-method/
- AnonCreds Specification: https://anoncreds-wg.github.io/anoncreds-spec/
Meeting Topics
- Root cause and solution to the "mixed node" problem: Indy Node issue 1769
- Demonstration done of the nodes
- Question for Wade – can we get a release of indy-plenum, indy-node in the next two days. "Yes!!!!!"
- Work completed.
- Need a way to test the network migration (16.04 to 20.04) on test networks affected by the ordering issue
- New bug found by Lynn Gray Bendixsen in Indy-Node (or perhaps Plenum)
- View change to a node that has not caught up.
- Creates problem.
- Another issue found by Christian Bormann
- Audit ledger is supposed to create an entry every 5 minutes, but is actually creating 3 every 5 minutes (one per ledger instead of one across ledgers).
- Discussed https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/pull/1783
- Sovrin Node build
- Dependencies confusion between deb and python packages for installing sovrins
- Hacky solution has been implemented that works, but...
- Indy-Node Version mismatch between deb and pypi packages → https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/issues/1781
- CANdy Prod is now in production in Canada – For Government Issuers – Wade leading the charge on that, but others in Canada participated and contributed.
- Configs: https://github.com/CQEN-QDCE/Candy
- Governance: https://github.com/bcgov/bc-vcpedia/wiki/(Layer-1)-CANdy-Utility-Provisional-Governance-Framework
- Genesis Files: https://github.com/ICCS-ISAC/dtrust-reconu / https://github.com/ICCS-ISAC/dtrust-reconu/tree/main/CANdy/prod
- Ledger Browser: https://candyscan.idlab.org/home/CANDY_PROD
- indy-vdr – how do we get that released?
- Stephen Curranto work with Andrew Whitehead to get indy-vdr released with the associated flag update.
- Also to check on the did:indy work within indy-vdr – it is not part of main. https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr/tree/did-indy
- AnonCreds:
- Proposal for Hyperledger AnonCreds to be a top level project is here. Please review, comment and if you support this, and your name to the sponsor list.
- AnonCreds on ledgers other than Indy – now up to 6 independent implementations. Working in the spec. group on making that easier.
- AnonCreds in W3C VC Data Model standard. Seems to be not very difficult to do. Working on a proposal to share for putting an AnonCreds VC into W3C format (and reverse) and the same for an AnonCreds presentation into W3C VC (or VP) Data Model format.
Future Calls
- GDPR and the right to be forgotten – mitigations and approaches.
- Status of Indy-SDK
- Statement on the future of the Indy SDK: PR 2329
- Plans for future of Indy CLI (move to Indy VDR?)
- Indy SDK in test for Indy Node (move to Indy VDR?)
- Status of GitHub Actions for the Indy-SDK
- Indy bugs
- Using GitHub tags "Good First Issue" and "Help Wanted"
- Node 1490: problems with large catch-up
- Plenum 1506: view change message consensus calculation error
Action items
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