2022-08-02 Indy Contributors Call
2022-08-02 Indy Contributors Call
- Update on the Indy Ubuntu 20.04 Upgrade
- Investigating the "Mixed Node" issue
- Indy Quarterly Report
- Q&A
Recording of Call: dummyfile.txt
Chat text:
- 08:24:25 From Lynn Bendixsen : time stamp on your node is fine?
- 08:24:41 From Christian Bormann : seems to be working for the 1.12.4 one
- 08:29:26 From Wade Barnes : Suspicion codes in troubleshooting; https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/blob/master/docs/source/troubleshooting.md
- 08:46:26 From Philipp Schlarb : @christian could you send me the link to the repo for the load generator?
- 08:53:59 From Christian Bormann : https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-did-method/issues/66
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Welcome and Introductions
Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
Philipp Schlarb (esatus AG) <p.schlarb@esatus.com>
Wade Barnes(Neoteric Technologies Inc.) <wade@neoterictech.ca>
Lynn Gray Bendixsen(Indicio) <lynn@indicio.tech>
Christian Bormann (Robert Bosch GmbH) <christiancarl.bormann@de.bosch.com>
Related Calls and Announcements
Release Status and Work Updates
- Indy Node
- Indy SDK
- Indy Monitoring - https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-monitor
- Indy Node Container - https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container
- Indy/Aries Shared Libraries - Hyperledger (indy-vdr, indy-shared-rs, aries-askar)
- Ursa
- Indy DID Method – https://hyperledger.github.io/indy-did-method/
- AnonCreds Specification: https://anoncreds-wg.github.io/anoncreds-spec/
Meeting Topics
- Progress on completing the Ubuntu upgrade.
- Hyperledger RCs for Node and Plenum are available
- Progress made with the Sovrin build – getting the tests to run (had been failing)
- Working now on publishing artifacts
- The "Mixed Node" issue – latest updates.
- Local testing looks good – mixed network, upgrades
- Testing on IDUnion Test Net - not so good
- Adding a 20.04 node seems to start fine and complete catch-up, but does not join the consensus
- Can go back to 16.04 and everything is fine, so no damage to the network
- Problem may be specific to the network – looking for another network instance to check for this
- Seems to be the issue seen previously – on the same network
- Working at trying to reproduce the issue
- In the process – Christian Bormannhas created a indy-node load generator that writes many DIDs and Schema objects
- Request from Stephen Curran– add some reads to the mix, ideally with a way to define the ratio of reads to writes to simulate a range of issuers (write-heavy) and verifiers (read-heavy)
Upgrade Notes
- Upgrading Indy to Ubuntu 20.04 Presentation
- Summary of the work done ^^
- Update on CI/CD Update and Ubuntu Upgrade
- Indy Shared GHA Repo
- Indy-Plenum:
- Indy-Node:
- indy-test-automation:
- indy-node-container:
- Call time changed – 17:00 CET / 8:00 Pacific on Thursdays.
- Indy-SDK build progress
- Issue: Mixed OS versions of Indy Node have issues:
- Issue: - running mixed nodes 16.04 and 20.04 a consensus problem occurs "in a while" (sometimes immediately, sometimes a few days has been seen)
- 2022.06.21
- Two efforts trying to replicate the problem Christian Bormann (rust script to generate load) and Gavin Bendixsen (PR to indy_node_container), working on adding a node
- At this point, the issue has not been replicated.
- There is an indy node load generator - https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/tree/master/scripts/performance
- Another plan of attack: Use old artifact to try to recreate, try again with RC and see if that replicates the issue.
- Note from Lynn: He has seen and documented consensus issues in the past – maybe this has nothing to do with 20.04.
- For example: 2 nodes went down seemingly together, restarted them and issue resolved.
- 2022.06.07
- Indicio team is working on a docker environment to replicate this, they are expecting to have something running in a few days.
- docker-compose, 4 nodes (3 16.04 and 1 20.04), running for a week, but not able to replicate the issue.
- Lynn to share how to do this publicly so that others could contribute.
- Put a folder into the indy-node-container repo about how to do it.
- Plan is to use indy-vdr to generate DIDs and publish them to the ledger.
- 2022.06.21
- Issue: - running mixed nodes 16.04 and 20.04 a consensus problem occurs "in a while" (sometimes immediately, sometimes a few days has been seen)
- Related work - Sovrin token-plugin repo being reworked to match indy-node/plenum.
- Mostly done the code.
- Working on the pipeline
- Linting issues documented and being cleaned
Future Calls
- GDPR and the right to be forgotten – mitigations and approaches.
- Dealing with Indy Node DoS attacks.
- Issues that could impact indy-node on 20.04
- indy-sdk: needs an upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1 to properly support Ubuntu 18.04/20.04. For indy-node, just using indy-sdk as is.
- Multiple libsodium versions could impact consensus – intermittent issue on a mixed network.
- Plans for a new Indy-SDK release?
- A few people from the community have asked.
- The most recent request has been for a release to include this feature; https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk/pull/2400
- Status of Indy-SDK
- Statement on the future of the Indy SDK: PR 2329
- Plans for future of Indy CLI (move to Indy VDR?)
- Indy SDK in test for Indy Node (move to Indy VDR?)
- Status of GitHub Actions for the Indy-SDK
- Indy bugs
- Using GitHub tags "Good First Issue" and "Help Wanted"
- Node 1490: problems with large catch-up
- Plenum 1506: view change message consensus calculation error