Indy Working Group Call Agenda/Notes/Links

Historical recordings can be found here: Indy WG Recordings

Historical agendas can be found here: Indy WG Agendas

Was every Thurs 4pmBST, 11amET, 9amMT, 8amPT at


  1. Hyperledger Code of Conduct
  2. Hyperledger Antitrust Policy:
  3. Introductions from new or returning participants
  4. Housekeeping
    1. Upcoming Calls
      1. July 25: OPEN (suggest a topic)
      2. August 1: OPEN (suggest a topic)
      3. Future
        1. GitLab CI/CD Changes
        2. Annoncreds 2.0
        3. FINDY
        4. ... add your topic here ...
      4. Updating call structure and organization
        1. This call moving from Indy to Identity WG to reflect cross-project collaboration agenda
        2. Watch for agenda pages and notes moving to the other part of the wiki
    2. Upcoming Events
      1. RWoT (Sept 3-6 Prague
      2. MyData (Sept 25-27 Helsinki
      3. Moscow Bootcamp (Late Sept or early Oct)
      4. Hyperledger Contributor Summit (TBD)
      5. IIW Fall 2019 (Oct 1-3, Mountain View, CA)
      6. ... add events here ...
    3. Project Updates
      1. Ursa & Crypto updates
        1. PRs for Anoncreds 2.0 are being merged in the next two weeks
        2. Testing of the new protocol in Indy will start shortly after
      2. Aries updates
        1. Morning and Afternoon calls (US Mountain) yesterday
        2. DID Exchange protocol (formerly connection protocol) updates
        3. Updates around Aries Cloud Agent Python and Protocol test suilte
        4. Afternoon call seems to cover a lot of architecture and RFCs, morning call seems to be focused on libraries shared library and implementation
          1. Threading model, libnullpay and where the Indy CLI should end up are hot topics in the SDK discussion
        5. See meeting notes for summary and diagrams
      3. Indy (Ledger and Semantics)
        1. July release of Indy Node and SDK
          1. bug fixes and minor improvements
          2. Tab completion and history in the CLI
          3. libvcx no longer dependent on an agency and anything can connect to it
          4. Should be released next week
          5. View change improvements are coming along but won't be included until Sept
        2. Context object implementation is moving forward, write operation is almost done
          1. Indy (Sovrin) resolver code in the SDK looking at how to implement DIDs more fully in the SDK
          2. Look for the new indy-resolver github repository
    4. Upcoming Events
      1. RWoT (Sept 3-6 Prague
      2. MyData (Sept 25-27 Helsinki
      3. Moscow Bootcamp (Late Sept or early Oct)
      4. Contributor Summit (TBD)
      5. IIW Fall 2019 (Oct 1-3, Mountain View, CA)
  5. Consent Lifecycle Demo (Jan L)
    1. Jupyter notebook demo of consent using the Indy SDK
    2. See HIPE on consent reciepts moving to an Aries RFC (link?)
    3. Lots of good conversation about how/when/why of these credentials
    4. Good questions and explanation about correlation prevention, the HIPE has more information
  6. Open Discussion


  1. Hyperledger Code of Conduct
  2. Hyperledger Antitrust Policy:
  3. Introductions from new or returning participants
  4. Housekeeping
    1. Request for Comments - Hyperledger 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020 - What Hyperledger Contributor Community supports would enable better outcomes?
      • The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
        • For example: 

          Shared CI infrastructure

          Active projects must fulfill CII best practices for continuous build and test. The original sizing of resources to support that requirement does not match the current project demand. Additional resources are required. A subcommittee has assessed the needs and produced the following recommendation. etc...

      • Please add items to the tracking table on the wiki: 2020 RFC
    2. Upcoming Calls:
      1. July 18: Consent Lifecycle Demo w/ JanL
      2. July 25: OPEN (suggest a topic)
      3. Future:
        1. GitLab CI/CD Changes
        2. Annoncreds 2.0
        3. FINDY
    3. Project Updates:
      1. Aries WG 
        1. DID Doc conventions
        2. Aries RFC
        3. Peer DIDs (mult efforts)
        4. Next week: 2 time zones (US AM/EOD EU)
          1. implement DID Docs and where it fits
          2. where is Indy SDK? Aries SDK?
          3. Topic of afternoon call is TBD (Agenda in the wiki)
      2. Indy Semantics
        1. Tues 7/9 - vocab for doing consent
        2. JanL Demo
        3. next meeting in 2 weeks
      3. Indy SDK / NODE 
        1. Removed Indy SDK WG call (combining with Indy Maintainers)
        2. released updates to Node and SDK
          1. refactoring plugins
          2. new release End of July
          3. bug fixes, CLI improvements, tab completion
          4. main effort in Node
            1. progress
      4. Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
        1. Ursa - implementing generic interface
          1. so hardware or Secure Enclave vendors can plug in using URSA
          2. 2 vendors who want to use it (Intel and Unbound)
          3. good for INDY - on the ledger could use generic interface and use Intel SGX or Unbound’s HSM stuff to store ledger keys, could swap, prevents vendor lock in
    4. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
  5. Open Discussion




  1. Hyperledger Code of Conduct
  2. Hyperledger Antitrust Policy:
  3. Introductions from new or returning participants
  4. Housekeeping
    1. BC Gov Code With Us Opportunity (bounty $50k CDN) - an Indy/Aries IdP for an OpenID Connect IAM - Red Hat's Keycloak
    2. New Indy HIPEs - Rich Schemas and Rich Schema Context - please take a look and understand the new schema model
    3. Request for Comments - Hyperledger 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020 - What Hyperledger Contributor Community supports would enable better outcomes?
      • The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
        • For example: 

          Shared CI infrastructure

          Active projects must fulfill CII best practices for continuous build and test. The original sizing of resources to support that requirement does not match the current project demand. Additional resources are required. A subcommittee has assessed the needs and produced the following recommendation. etc...

      • Please add items to the tracking table on the wiki: 2020 RFC
    4. Upcoming Calls:
      1. July 4 NO CALL NEXT WEEK
      2. July 11: OPEN (suggest a topic)
      3. July 18: OPEN (suggest a topic)
      4. Future:
        1. GitLab CI/CD Changes
        2. Annoncreds 2.0
        3. FINDY
    5. Project Updates:
      1. Aries WG - a lively discussion about splitting Indy and Aries - where's the line for each component?
      2. Indy Semantics - Schema 2.0 and discussion of "Aries Semantics" - decision - hold off until at least Sept. to start.
      3. Indy SDK WG - No call this week.
      4. Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
    6. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
  5. The Trust Stack vs. The Technical Stack - Stephen Curran  (Cloud Compass Computing/BC Gov)

  6. A Quick Summary of the Aries Cloud Agent - Python.  Bring on the Web Developer Community - we're ready!
  7. Open Discussion



  1. Hyperledger Code of Conduct
  2. Hyperledger Antitrust Policy:
  3. Housekeeping
    1. Sao Paulo, Brazil Bootcamp is coming up June 24-25, 2019.
      • Contact Karen Ottoni & community architects to volunteer training & contributions.
    2. Request for Comments on 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020.
      • The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
      • Please add items to the tracking table on the wiki: 2020 RFC
    3. Upcoming CallS:
      1. 6/27
        1. TBD (Suggestions?)
      2. Future:
        1. GitLab CI/CD Changes
        2. Annoncreds 2.0
        3. FINDY
    4. Project Updates:
      1. Aries WG
        1. Non repudiable signatures
        2. HIPES to RFCs
        3. Static agent code 
      2. Indy Semantics
        1. Meet NEXT week (Tues)
      3. Indy SDK WG
        1. Release June (discussed July and Aug)
        2. Contributors WANTED! Join the call
        3. Proposal: Indy SDK overlap, maintainers calls, HIPEs to Aries (combine calls?)
      4. Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
        1. Last week UNBOUND showed off protocol
          1. donating 2-party computation code to URSA
        2. Sov Crypto - anoncreds 2.0 paper draft in URSA Docs
          1. build script requires DOCKER
          2. comments and PRs welcome
          3. Calls moving from Tues to Mondays 9am MT
    5. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
    6. Intros
  4. Indy-SDK Credential Attribute Tag Policy with SKlump

  5. Cached Credentials for offline proving in INDY SDK with DarkoK

  6. Changes to the Thursday Calls?

  7. Open Discussion
    1. Sovrin Foundation official YT channel with a Hyperledger Indy playlist
    2. Peertube, P2P, self-hostable, alt to YT, option for community videos?
      1. SSI to log in to comment on the videos as dogfooding

Call recording:


  1. Hyperledger Code of Conduct
  2. Hyperledger Antitrust Policy:
  3. Housekeeping
    1. Sao Paulo, Brazil Bootcamp is coming up June 24-25, 2019.
      • Contact Karen Ottoni & community architects to volunteer training & contributions.
    2. Request for Comments on 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020.
      • The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
      • Please add items to the tracking table on the wiki: 2020 RFC
    3. Upcoming CallS:
      1. 6/20
        1. Changes to INDY WG Calls - discussion
      2. Future:
        1. GitLab CI/CD Changes
        2. Annoncreds 2.0
        3. FINDY
    4. Project Updates:
      1. Aries WG
      2. Indy Semantics
      3. Indy SDK WG
      4. Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
    5. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
    6. Intros
  4. Open Discussion
    1. Forward Secure Multisignatures and
  5. Call recording


  1. Hyperledger Code of Conduct
  2. Hyperledger Antitrust Policy:
  3. Housekeeping
    1. Sao Paulo, Brazil Bootcamp is coming up June 24-25, 2019.
      • Contact Karen Ottoni & community architects to volunteer training & contributions.
    2. Request for Comments on 2020 items to support the contributor community in 2020.
      • The Governing Board would like to review suggestions ahead of their 2019-07-30 meeting.
      • Please add items to the tracking table on the wiki: 2020 RFC
    3. Upcoming Calls
      1. 6/13
      2. 6/20
      3. Future:
        1. GitLab CI/CD Changes
        2. Annoncreds 2.0
        3. FINDY
      4. Proposal to meet every other week (make room for an Aries call?)
    4. Project Updates:
      1. Aries WG
      2. Indy Semantics
      3. Indy SDK WG
      4. Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
    5. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
    6. Intros
  4. Recent new features in Indy Node (Richard and Alex)
    1. Slides:
  5. Audit ledger, auth_rules and token rollouts on the Sovrin BuilderNet with @lynn.bendixsen
  6. Open Discussion

Meeting recording:


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Upcoming Calls:
      1. 6/6
      2. 6/13
      3. Future:
        1. GitLab CI/CD Changes
        2. FINDY
    2. Project Updates:
      1. Aries WG
        1. DID Comms related stuff - HIPEs to Ares RFCs
        2. Not “Wire-level” - calling them ENVELOPES (thanks Tobias)
        3. Call recording 
      2. Indy Semantics
        1. Methodology for specifying proofs
        2. How to do the definition of items self-attested (not from a credential) - more discussion to refine
        3. DrummondR: DID Spec, interesting things and impact on ability to define data elements
        4. Next call - 2 weeks (Tues)
      3. Indy SDK WG
        1. Last call - Ares lang libs
        2. Next week - maintenance
        3. Different libraries, volunteering
      4. Hyperledger URSA/Sovrin Crypto
        1. Went over security audits, esp Indy Crypto code donated
        2. General discussion of maintenance
    3. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
    4. British Columbia
      1. Opportunity to work on production-pilot mobile agent for early fall
      2. Urgent use case for legal system (law society issues membership cred to lawyer so they have proof to access court proceeding recordings
      3. first chance to deploy ver cred in the wild
      4. ”Startup in Residence” - call for proposals (iOS and Android mobile agent for lawyers
      5. Prestige of working on a real use case - looking for collaborators
      6. details to follow
    5. INDY NODE - big release this week
      1. new ver contains transaction author agreement
      2. Sovrin in June
      3. Check out changes
      4. INDY SDK release tomorrow - new API and helper functions
      5. Ev did a sprint demo last Thurs 5/23
      6. Evernym YouTube channel
    6. Intros
  2. Verifiable Credentials/Schema2.0 with Ken and Brent
  3. DID:GIT with DaveH
  4. Open Discussion

Call Recording:


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
    2. Project Updates
  2. European Identity Conference (EIC) update (PhilW Sovrin)
  3. Identity Transaction Author Agreement (RichardE Evernym)
  4. Open Discussion

Call Recording:


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
    2. Project Updates
    3. Consensus Update (DrummondR Evernym)
  2. Open Discussion

Call Recording: 


  • Project Updates
  • Recap of Internet Identity Workshop
  • Demo and Discussion of ID Ramp
  • Open discussion

Call Recording: 


Call Recording: 


  1. Housekeeping
    1. Upcoming Calls: Calendar of Public Meetings
    2. Project Updates
  2. Hyperledger Ares Proposal/Update (NathanG Sovrin)
  3. Open Discussion

Call Recording: 


  1. Housekeeping
  2. Making Analysis Useful in CI/CD (SteveG)
  3. API Changes in Transaction Author Agreement - Node & SDK
  4. Progress On Specific Language Libraries
  5. Open Discussion

Call Recording: 


Call Recording:


  1. Housekeeping
  2. Updates: Agents,  Semantics, SDK, SovCrypto, URSA
  3. ANVIL Demo/Discussion (Outlier Ventures)
  4. Open Discussion

Call Recording: