2020 Meeting Notes
2020 Meeting Notes
Archive of meeting notes of the Contributors Call in 2020
Meeting Agendas and Notes
2020-12-22 Indy Contributors Call
- Status of indy-node CI/CD progress
- Status of upcoming indy-sdk release
2020-12-08 Indy Contributors Call
- Status of Ubuntu
20.0418.04 work - Status of upcoming indy-node release, Rich Schema Feature Flag, and CI/CD Progress
- Status of upcoming indy-sdk release
2020-11-24 Indy Contributors Call
- Status of Ubuntu 20.04 work
- Status of upcoming indy-node release, Rich Schema Feature Flag, and CI/CD Progress
- Status of upcoming indy-sdk release
2020-11-10 Indy Contributors Call
- Indy Plenum PR Review
- Status of upcoming indy-node release, Rich Schema Feature Flag, and CI/CD Progress
- Status of upcoming indy-sdk release
- Update on Indy DID Method Specification progress
2020-10-27 Indy Contributors Call
- Status of Upcoming Release, Rich Schema Feature Flag, and CI/CD Progress
- Call for Participation: Indy DID Method Specification
- Indy SDK
2020-10-13 Indy Contributors Call
- Discussion - Release Rich Schema or not
- Indy HIPE - Generic Token
- Release Status Update
2020-09-29 Indy Contributors Call
- Continue the Indy Release Planning Meeting
2020-09-17 Special: Planning Next Indy Node Release
- Review current PRs
- Discuss work remaining to release
2020-09-15 Indy Contributors Call
- Catch up on Indy Interop-athon
- Getting started on a new release
- Getting started on a CI/CD migration
- Getting started on the did:indy Method
2020-09-01 Indy Contributors Call - CANCELLED
The call today is cancelled because of the Indy Interop-athon going on Sept. 1 and 2, 2020.
2020-08-18 Indy Contributors Call
- Update on Indy Node release
- Preparations/pre-work for the Indy Interop-athon
2020-08-04 Indy Contributors Call
- Plans for next Indy Node release
- Contributions needed on Indy Node
- Preparations/pre-work for the Indy Interop-athon
2020-07-21 Indy Contributors Call
- Evolving Indy usage to support DIDDocs
2020-07-07 Indy Contributors Call
- The Issue Game - addressing PRs
- New repo: indy-node-monitor
- Backgrounder: indy-vdr
2020-06-23 Indy Contributors Call
- Sovrin MainNet Needs and Indy Collaborations
2020-06-15 Indy Contributors Call
- Revocation 2.0 and BBS+ Progress in Ursa
- Draft Sovrin MainNet Roadmap
2020-06-01 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates:
- Indy VDR
- Indy Credx
- Aries Credx
- Aries Storage
- Enabling agents to work with multiple Indy networks
2020-05-18 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates:
- Indy VDR
- Indy Credx
- Aries Credx
- Aries Storage
- Update on Revocation 2.0 - progress and discussion on desired properties
2020-05-04 Indy Contributors Call
- IIW Update
- Work updates:
- Indy VDR
- Indy Credx
- Aries Credx
- Aries Storage
- Migrating from JIRA to GitHub Issues
- Migrating from Jenkins to GitHub Actions (or Azure Pipelines)
- Update on Revocation 2.0 - Merkle Tree Processing Tech Spike
- If time: BBS+ ZKPs and Indy
2020-04-20 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates:
- Indy VDR
- Indy Credx
- Aries Credx
- Migrating from JIRA to GitHub Issues
- Migrating from Jenkins to GitHub Actions (or Azure Pipelines)
- Revocation 2.0 Discussion
2020-04-06 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates:
- Indy VDR
- Indy Credx / Aries Credx
- The future of this meeting
2020-03-23 Indy Contributors Call
- Change to meeting room
- Status of the Sovrin Network
- Process used to troubleshoot an issue with the Sovrin Network
2020-03-09 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates and collaboration on projects
- CredX
- Rich Schemas
- CI / CD
- Update from the Hyperledger Global Forum
2020-02-25 Special: Troubleshooting an Indy Network
Special call February 25 at 15H UTC, 10AM US Eastern
- Discuss tips and techniques for supporting an Indy Network
2020-02-25 Special: Rich Schemas
Special meeting February 25
- Discuss progress on Rich Schemas, and next steps
2020-02-24 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates and collaboration on projects
- CredX
- Rich Schemas
- Future of Indy CI / CD
2020-02-11 Special: Collaborate on Rich Schemas
Special call February 11 at 15H UTC, 10AM US Eastern
- Answer questions about Rich Schemas and collaborate on work
2020-02-10 Indy Contributors Call
Work updates and collaboration
- Indy Node using Ursa
- Indy-VDR
- Anoncreds
- Rich Schemas
Will schedule additional meetings for a Rich Schemas discussion and a discussion to help others support Indy networks.
2020-02-03 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates
- Discussion of current projects
- Cancelling the AMER afternoon call going forward
2020-01-27 Indy Contributors Call
- Proposed changes to the CI / CD pipeline
- Work on indy-aries-vdri
- Discussing Rich Schemas
2020-01-20 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates
- Getting started in the Hyperledger community
2020-01-13 Indy Contributors Call
- Work updates
- Results from performance testing LibIndy
- INDY-2305 and outbound IP address