2020-03-09 Indy Contributors Call


  • Work updates and collaboration on projects
    • VDR
    • CredX
    • Rich Schemas
  • CI / CD
  • Update from the Hyperledger Global Forum

We intend to record this call.

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  • Name (Organization) <email>
  • Richard Esplin (Evernym) <richard.esplin@evernym.com>

Related Calls and Announcements

Release Status and Work Updates

  • Indy Node
    • February:
      • No formal release of Indy Node
      • New items available
        • Tool for detecting ZMQ network problems
        • Troubleshooting guide
    • March:
      • Replacing Indy Crypto with Ursa (Kiva)
      • More "rich schema" objects
    • Future
      • Ubuntu 18.04 (Kiva)
        • Need to check additional dependencies: 
          Error rendering macro 'jira' : null
  • Indy SDK
    • February:
      • Cancelled at the last minute because we found a bug.
    • March: 
      • 1.15.0:
        • LibVCX improvements to reject proof and connection redirect
        • Bug fixes
  • Indy Catalyst
    • https://github.com/bcgov/indy-catalyst
    • Still working on performance improvements
    • Being deployed at Government of Canada
    • Migrating to Hyperledger Aries: plan is to moving to aries-verified-credential-registry
      • Needs more documentation
  • Anoncreds 2.0
    • Mike: Creating a development plan in the Indy section of the wiki
    • Mike: Aries-Credx
    • Andrew: Indy-Credx
  • Aries Shared Libraries
    • Aries Shared:
      • indy-vdr (Andrew Whitehead)  https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
        • Remaining work: Design doc, FFI, testing, CI / CD
          • PR for using GitHub actions to run unit tests for CI.
            • Mike can help review.
            • Mike and Artem can help with CD artifacts for the various platforms.
        • As an Aries interface becomes standardized, will add that API layer
        • Split out an Indy-Util to contain common components between Indy-VDR and Indy-Credx
          • Need to check that duplicate copies of the util library doesn't cause trouble.
      • indy-credx / aries-credx
      • Aries-Shared-Util
        • Pack / Unpack
        • Not started yet
      • Aries-KMS
  • Ursa 0.3.2
    • To replace libsodium, need to have a replacement for the anoncrypt / authcrypt sealed box for pack / unpack.
      • Can be done in Ursa with two steps, but might add as a single function call.

Main Business

  • Issue with encoding stripping leading zeros. (IS-1492?)
  • Experimenting with the PyO3 buffer:
    • Using on Indy Credx because it improves security.
    • Not needed on Indy-VDR: would complicate the code without providing any security benefit.
  • Want to do more multi-organizational PR reviews (Mike and Andrew W can work together).
  • CI / CD Aries shared libraries
    • Prefer GitHub Actions.
      • Use GitHub Actions Runner for iOS and Android hosted by the Sovrin Foundation.
      • Can easily migrate to Azure Pipelines or Circle CI if needed.
    • Reduce number of CD pipelines:
      • Will build the FFI wrapper, but not other language wrappers
      • We can reduce the number of architectures for mobile. Won't support old devices.
        • OSX, Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, Android 64bit, iOS
          • Should we drop mobile? (People can put the proxy in their mediator.)
        • If people want other architectures, they should build it themselves.
    • Plan for indy-vdr
  • Do we want a single Rust library that combines all the Indy shared libraries for easy consumption by Aries?
    • At least as an example? (Similar to LibVCX?)
    • Would it be needed if people are starting with the Aries framework tiers?
    • We need solutions to assist framework developers in getting onboarded and staying current as Indy and Aries evolves
      • But we still want to keep protocol code high in the stack, near business logic and easy to evolve.
  • Need to think about where to serialize / decrypt to ensure security and ease-of-use. Configuration options: automatically decrypt attachments
  • Update from the Hyperledger Global Forum
    • Absa contributed an agency.
    • Lots of challenges in getting started (but other projects are even worse).
    • Indy was a major force at the conference.
    • The Identity Problem is universal, and Indy needs to be part of these integrated solutions. People know they need help.
    • Fabric community is also adapting: IBM releasing more scalable engine, Secure Key contributing Aries compatibility.

Future Calls

Next call:

  • Pick an issue reported against the Sovrin networks, and show how we found the problem in the logs. Sergey Khoroshavin


  • Requirements questions:
    • IS-1099: anoncreds.prover_get_credentials_for_proof_req should return per-credential timestamp
      • Should we allow duplicate credentials from the same issuer?

Action items

  • HIPE #138, Issue #144 (Ken and Brent)
    • Create a PR for changing status to ACCEPTED
    • Check for an Aries RFC
  • PR to RFC #0019 to compare pack/upack to msgpack (Sergey)
  • Richard and Sergey will close old pull requests with a descriptive comment.
  • Mike wants to review the 61 cases of "unsafe" libindy calls and figure out if they are justified.

Call Recording

We attempted to record the call, but did not succeed.