2020 09 04 DWG Agenda
2020 09 04 DWG Agenda
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Release status: Pam/Joe: Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- New 1.4.9/2.1.2/2.2.1 Releases planned for next week - bug fixes (Service discovery not working with old lifecycle, TLS cert improvements and fixes, HSM session caching)
- Ledger checkpoint testing started && taking perf measurements
- Channel Participation API (System Channel removal) update is planned for the next Contributors Call.
- New release cadence being considered - Every 4 months (3x/year) instead of every 3 months (quarterly)
- Asia Pacific Study Circle
- International languages(standing topic)
- Remind translators that if they are maintainers that after they approve a PR they can user the `doc-merge` label on a PR to merge it.
- Malayalam translation update - Annena
- Japanese translation update - Tsujita-san
- Brazilian Portuguese translation update - Renato
- French Translation update - Oumar
- Spanish translations update - Maria/Claudio
- Russian Language update - Arseny
- Remind translators that if they are maintainers that after they approve a PR they can user the `doc-merge` label on a PR to merge it.
- Samples status - Chris
- New token samples - use the same exact scenario so that people can evaluate both models side-by-side
token account-based sample and tutorial: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/pull/318
token utxo sample and tutorial: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/pull/319
- New token samples - use the same exact scenario so that people can evaluate both models side-by-side
- Retiring Fabric docs versions 1.1/1.2/1.3 - Banner now working in RTD - see test here: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/v2.1.1/ Thank you Brett!
- Peer deployment guide PR https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/pull/1803
- Google Analytics update - Joe/Pam
- New Fabric website RFC: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-rfcs/pull/31
Eastern hemisphere call
- Kerela holiday - apologies from Saintgits team.
- Updates next week
- Release and Western hemisphere call update
- Japanese translation- updates from Kondo-san
- All initial topics translated
- Major milestone for Japanese team
- New Japanese translation available!
- Congratulations and thanks to JWG and Brett
- More topics to translate
- Examine topics with owners at https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-docs-i18n/projects/1
- All initial topics translated
- Recording uploaded
Western hemisphere call
- Release update
- No new news on MirBFT
- System channel removal
- Been discussed a lot. Significant doc updates
- Not clear how it will be released. New playback to bring people up to date
- Next contributors call will also discuss documentation
- 2.3 release preview with limited documentation
- 2.4 for full release
- Considered new way, to replace existing mechanism
- Config txn library - no updates
- Peer deployment guide
- being tested this week
- Trouble shooting section being tested
- Thanks to Pam
- Ledger Checkpointing
- Performance testing started
- Anticipated as part of Fabric 2.3 release
- Release schedule to every 4 months rather than 3 months
- Oct 2020 slated for 2.3
- More time for testing. Good thing
- Next week release
- 1.4.9, 2.1.2 and 2.2.1 released next week
- These will be tagged
- Banners will start to apply
- LA chapter
- Spanish translation
- Claudio, Camilo, Marie-Teresa
- Basic first topics are translated
- Everything on repo
- PRs are approved
- Push live is next step
- Will work with Brett to make this happen
- Copied Japanese WG team approach to translate documentation
- 15 developers
- GitHub project the same way
- Next suggested topics
- Being worked on right now
- A few issues on make files
- Hyperledger courses proving very popular in LA chapter
- Specific, dedicated translation channel for Spanish c.f. Japan: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/i18n-espanol
- Helping people to translate
- Video for steps to follow to do PR etc etc
- Requested by translators
- Samples update
- New token sample - new PR
- UTXO and account sample - new PR
- Chris will test this week
- Samples group met again last Tuesday
- Nik has updated some of READMEs - thanks to Nik
- ERC20 comparison
- Adhere to ERC20 wherever possible
- Banner updates
- Now working for old releases
- Retiring Fabric docs versions 1.1/1.2/1.3 - Banner now working in RTD - see test here: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/v2.1.1/ Thanks to Brett
- New releases to be tagged and banner will apply
- Making click through from TOC obvious that release not being maintained
- bookmarks will continue to work
- Good for AWS and Azure links will continue to work
- Continuing updates
- Peer deployment guide - thanks to Pam and Joe
- Chris testing this guide
- MSP Peer identity for channel lifecycle challenges
- See video for example and resolution
- Package/install/approve/commit issue
- Approval step issue must have correct id.
- "Invalid endorsement" result of MSP config problem as an indicator
- Very important for 2.2 users moving from 1.4
- See Fabric RTD tutorials for most common missteps
- Not clear what exact problem is - only happening on Kubernetes
- Ideally could track down exact issue
- Could it be PV related as to why (correctly changed identity did not work)
- Chris testing this guide
- Recording uploaded
- Next weeks
- Google Analytics update - Joe/Pam
- New Fabric website RFC: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-rfcs/pull/31
Video of this week's session at: Recordings
Quarterly reports
Upcoming reports
, multiple selections available,