2020 07 17 DWG Agenda
2020 07 17 DWG Agenda
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Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Release status: Pam/Joe: Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- International languages(standing topic)
- Running a campaign to encourage more translation contributions
- Draft of a marketing plan for a campaign: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/events/Fabric+Documentation
- Publish a blog post about what is happening with translations and how to get involved
- Examples of other blog posts: BAF blog post that has intro + video + how to contribute
- Publish a how to video walking people through starting a new translation and joining an existing translation effort
- When these two things are ready we can coordinate with the Marketing team about when to launch campaign
- Ongoing activities
- Present at language specific meetups about existing translation efforts
- Consider how we can recognize translation contributors (Community Spotlight posts, Twitter shout outs, digital badges...)
- Analyze how the campaign has increased level of interest and number of contributors
- Publish a blog post about what is happening with translations and how to get involved
- Draft of a marketing plan for a campaign: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/events/Fabric+Documentation
- Running a campaign to encourage more translation contributions
- Malayalam translation update - Annena
- ML source file modifications for cleaner HTML
- Japanese translation update - Tsujita-san
- Brazilian Portuguese translation update - Renato
- Analysis/walkthrough of analytics for the Fabric docs
- Deployment guide — discussion of priorities for the peer
- Most important config discussions (core.yaml values)
- Database recommendations (Couch vs Level — off chain backups?)
- HA
- Sizing
- Leaders and anchors
- <Please feel free to add items!>
Eastern hemisphere call
- Introductions
- Welcome all, another excellent attendance!
- Recap of Western hemi call
- From July 10 minutes
- Malayalam translation
- First PR into i18n this week
- A few minor issues with spurious mo files and some formatting errors
- will resolve during the week
- More PRs to come this week
- Hyperledger Study Circle
- Learn more on LinkedIn page: https://lnkd.in/ggMJqKk
- Very well attended first meeting on July 11
- Over 50 attendees
- Australia, Indonesia, UAE and India participants
- First meeting focus on planning and organization
- Next meeting tomorrow July 18 - Blockchain Technologies topic
- Please contact Aneena for more information
- Women in Blockchain event
- Confirmed for Aug1
- Excellent speaker list
- Aneena to add:
- Will cover both women in blockchain issues, as well as technology exploration
- Will be follow-on events with other speakers
- More detail to follow. Contact Aneena for more
- Hindi translation
- Update from Jubliant
- Saintgits are reaching out to other academic institutions on this activity
- Hindi writers are very welcome to the call.
- Please contact Jubilant and Aneena for more details.
- Japanese translation
- Excellent WG meeting on Monday
- Initial merge now complete
- Working practices being organized
- Excellent process flow diagram from Kondo-san
- https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/fabric-docs-japanese?msg=LpknNwdm4HrQYieeP for details
- Add to documentation
- New i18n docs review
- Add translation tools for JA and ML as advised; thank you
- Recording uploaded
Western hemisphere call
- Release Status
- PBFT ordering service
- Mir BFT continues
- Participation API - no system channel
- Config transaction - simplification is welcome
- Deployment guide
- Snapshot and checkpoint in progress
- BYFN confirmed removed
- gateway discussion
- Eastern hemi update
- Contribution diagram discussion from JWG:https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/fabric-docs-japanese?msg=LpknNwdm4HrQYieeP
- Excellent diagram
- Chris exposition on workflow
- Place in Contributing guide
- Deployment Guide discussion
- Extensive discussion
- Most important config discussions (core.yaml values)
- Database recommendations (Couch vs Level — off chain backups?)
- HA
- Sizing
- Leaders and anchors
- Will be 2.0 release focussed, which is correct
- i.e. not 1.4
- LTS oriented
- Extensive discussion
- Documentation Campaign
- New Spanish Working group
- The importance of recognition
- Being more intentional to tap into more channels
- Can we make broader use Twitter, Blog etc etc?
- Haven't been too public yet to promote
- Is it time to do a campaign?
- Exploit more Hyperledger channels
- Help existing WG gets more members
- Helps new WGs start up
- Blog from international community has more weight
- Happy to help, but should be from international team
- Blog and video to put together
- How to make more available?
- Who else would contribute
- Next step to create Blog and Video
- Excellent material in David's agenda topic (above)
- Important to have CI pipeline for JA, ML, PTBR
- What are the key steps?
- New WG
- New repo directory
- New translation language
- Fully complete documentation
- (Other contributors, and broader recognition, esp for non-commercial organizations)
- This is important — recognition
- Renato and Chris agreed on wider contributor badge
- How would writers like to be recognized
- Excellent points from Chris
- Confirmed by Oumar and Renato
- Twitter shout out and digital badges are important - Oumar
- Sample badges shown
- Pt_BR update from Renato
- Doubling in size of group!
- Japanese group workflow is helpful
- Helpful to teach new Pt_BR contributors
- Google analytics is available
- Baseline for campaign
- Need to see if data is relevant
- Sanity check on data being looked at
- PRs vs JIRA - has the former become more important
- More detail/discussion on next call
- What other data might be relevant?
- Feeds into eminence
- Approved commits etc are important milestones
- Detailed session next week - Joe/Pam
- Very important insights
- How many pages are translated/coverage?
- Recording uploaded
Video of this week's session at: Recordings
Quarterly reports
Upcoming reports
, multiple selections available,