2020 07 17 DWG Agenda

2020 07 17 DWG Agenda

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  • Release status: Pam/Joe: Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
  • International languages(standing topic)
    • Running a campaign to encourage more translation contributions
      • Draft of a marketing plan for a campaign: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/events/Fabric+Documentation
        • Publish a blog post about what is happening with translations and how to get involved
          • Examples of other blog posts: BAF blog post that has intro + video + how to contribute
        • Publish a how to video walking people through starting a new translation and joining an existing translation effort
        • When these two things are ready we can coordinate with the Marketing team about when to launch campaign
        • Ongoing activities
          • Present at language specific meetups about existing translation efforts
          • Consider how we can recognize translation contributors (Community Spotlight posts, Twitter shout outs, digital badges...)
          • Analyze how the campaign has increased level of interest and number of contributors
  • Malayalam translation update - Annena
    • ML source file modifications for cleaner HTML
  • Japanese translation update - Tsujita-san
  • Brazilian Portuguese translation update - Renato
  • Analysis/walkthrough of analytics for the Fabric docs
  • Deployment guide — discussion of priorities for the peer
    • Most important config discussions (core.yaml values)
    • Database recommendations (Couch vs Level — off chain backups?)
    • HA
    • Sizing
    • Leaders and anchors
  • <Please feel free to add items!>


Eastern hemisphere call

  1. Introductions
    1. Welcome all, another excellent attendance!
  2. Recap of Western hemi call
    1. From July 10 minutes
  3. Malayalam translation
    1. First PR into i18n this week
    2. A few minor issues with spurious mo files and some formatting errors
      1. will resolve during the week
    3. More PRs to come this week
  4. Hyperledger Study Circle
    1. Learn more on LinkedIn page: https://lnkd.in/ggMJqKk
    2. Very well attended first meeting on July 11
    3. Over 50 attendees
    4. Australia, Indonesia, UAE and India participants
    5. First meeting focus on planning and organization
    6. Next meeting tomorrow July 18 - Blockchain Technologies topic
    7. Please contact Aneena for more information
  5. Women in Blockchain event
    1. Confirmed for Aug1
    2. Excellent speaker list
      1. Aneena to add:
    3. Will cover both women in blockchain issues, as well as technology exploration
    4. Will be follow-on events with other speakers
    5. More detail to follow.  Contact Aneena for more
  6. Hindi translation
    1. Update from Jubliant
    2. Saintgits are reaching out to other academic institutions on this activity
    3. Hindi writers are very welcome to the call.
    4. Please contact Jubilant and Aneena for more details.
  7. Japanese translation
    1. Excellent WG meeting on Monday
    2. Initial merge now complete
    3. Working practices being organized
    4. Excellent process flow diagram from Kondo-san
      1. https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/fabric-docs-japanese?msg=LpknNwdm4HrQYieeP for details
      2. Add to documentation
  8. New i18n docs review
    1. Add translation tools for JA and ML as advised; thank you
  9. Recording uploaded

Western hemisphere call

  1. Release Status
    1. PBFT ordering service
    2. Mir BFT continues
    3. Participation API - no system channel
    4. Config transaction - simplification is welcome
    5. Deployment guide
    6. Snapshot and checkpoint in progress
    7. BYFN confirmed removed
    8. gateway discussion
  2. Eastern hemi update
  3. Contribution diagram discussion from JWG:https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/fabric-docs-japanese?msg=LpknNwdm4HrQYieeP
    1. Excellent diagram
    2. Chris exposition on workflow
    3. Place in Contributing guide
  4. Deployment Guide discussion
    1. Extensive discussion
      1. Most important config discussions (core.yaml values)
      2. Database recommendations (Couch vs Level — off chain backups?)
      3. HA
      4. Sizing
      5. Leaders and anchors
    2. Will be 2.0 release focussed, which is correct
      1. i.e. not 1.4
      2. LTS oriented
  5. Documentation Campaign
    1. New Spanish Working group
    2. The importance of recognition
    3. Being more intentional to tap into more channels
      1. Can we make broader use Twitter, Blog etc etc?
    4. Haven't been too public yet to promote
      1. Is it time to do a campaign?
      2. Exploit more Hyperledger channels
      3. Help existing WG gets more members
      4. Helps new WGs start up
    5. Blog from international community has more weight
      1. Happy to help, but should be from international team
      2. Blog and video to put together
      3. How to make more available?
      4. Who else would contribute
    6. Next step to create Blog and Video
    7. Excellent material in David's agenda topic (above)
    8. Important to have CI pipeline for JA, ML, PTBR
    9. What are the key steps?
      1. New WG
      2. New repo directory
      3. New translation language
      4. Fully complete documentation
      5. (Other contributors, and broader recognition, esp for non-commercial organizations)
      6. This is important — recognition
        1. Renato and Chris agreed on wider contributor badge
        2. How would writers like to be recognized
      7. Excellent points from Chris
        1. Confirmed by Oumar and Renato
        2. Twitter shout out and digital badges are important - Oumar
    10. Sample badges shown
  6. Pt_BR update from Renato
    1. Doubling in size of group!
    2. Japanese group workflow is helpful
    3. Helpful to teach new Pt_BR contributors
  7. Google analytics is available
    1. Baseline for campaign
    2. Need to see if data is relevant
    3. Sanity check on data being looked at
    4. PRs vs JIRA - has the former become more important
    5. More detail/discussion on next call
    6. What other data might be relevant?
    7. Feeds into eminence
    8. Approved commits etc are important milestones
    9. Detailed session next week - Joe/Pam
      1. Very important insights
      2. How many pages are translated/coverage?
  8. Recording uploaded

Video of this week's session at: Recordings

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