Fabric Chaincode EVMx
Fabric Chaincode EVMx
Important highlights from this release
All updates for this release
- FABCE-115 CLOSED Update Mocks
- FABCE-114 CLOSED as a developer, I want to see debug logs when a test fails
- FABCE-113 CLOSED Use simpler network for integration tests
- FABCE-112 CLOSED Only install gotools necessary
- FABCE-111 CLOSED Check that proxy server is up before sending requests
- FABCE-110 CLOSED Maintain a Counterfeiter versioning
- FABCE-109 CLOSED Combine Web3 and Fab3 integration tests into one suite
- FABCE-108 CLOSED Improve Documentation about the EVM
- FABCE-107 CLOSED Update Contributions with new Github PR process
- FABCE-106 CLOSED Add Contribution information to README
- FABCE-105 CLOSED Fix web3 command in tutorial in fabric-chaincode-evm
- FABCE-104 CLOSED Update Docs with new Network ID
- FABCE-103 CLOSED Minor code error in EVM_Smart_Contracts.md
- FABCE-102 CLOSED Update Transaction Fab3 APIs with new fields
- FABCE-100 BACKLOG Improve Instructions on installing EVMCC
- FABCE-99 BACKLOG Documentation should indicate Fab3 requires a running Fabric Network
- FABCE-98 CLOSED The documentation of the chaincode-EVM should list the limitations
- FABCE-97 CLOSED Missing end bracket in Readme Instructions
- FABCE-96 CLOSED Update cli help out put for port flag
- FABCE-95 CLOSED fabric evm chaincode no longer a plugin
- FABCE-94 CLOSED Add Table of Contents to Readme
- FABCE-93 CLOSED Fix Fab3 Instructions
- FABCE-92 CLOSED Update documentation to new environment variable
- FABCE-91 CLOSED Add getLogs documentation to Fab3 Instructions
- FABCE-90 CLOSED Update Go and Fabric Version requirements
- FABCE-89 BACKLOG GetTransactionReceipt docs should explain the status field
- FABCE-88 CLOSED Improve Instructions on Building Fab3
- FABCE-87 BACKLOG Stop logging to Stderr in Fab3
- FABCE-86 CLOSED eventually in test can get stuck in failure state
- FABCE-85 CLOSED Defers should properly be executed on exit
- FABCE-84 CLOSED golint has wrong import in makefile
- FABCE-83 CLOSED Transaction Receipt Logs Data
- FABCE-82 CLOSED Add omitempty tag to ContractAddress in TxReceipt
- FABCE-81 CLOSED Fix logging in fab3 main
- FABCE-80 BACKLOG Can't interact with chaincode using Fab3
- FABCE-79 CLOSED Event marshaling anomaly during contract deployment
- FABCE-78 CLOSED getCode should not error on empty account
- FABCE-77 CLOSED Contract Address should have '0x' prefix
- FABCE-76 CLOSED GetBlockByNumber returns null GasPrice and Value
- FABCE-75 CLOSED Log Filtering/Matching should not be strict case
- FABCE-74 CLOSED makefile test invocation should always work
- FABCE-73 CLOSED Listing Ethereum accounts does not work
- FABCE-72 CLOSED Fab3 does not wait for Http Server to be created
- FABCE-71 CLOSED integration tests are polluted by existing evnironment
- FABCE-70 CLOSED Chaincode-evm's make fails if GOPATH contains more than one element
- FABCE-69 CLOSED EVM smart contracts don't have permission to call other EVM contracts
- FABCE-68 CLOSED Transaction Receipt should prefix contract addresses with '0x'
- FABCE-67 CLOSED Invalid transactions should not be shown in a block
- FABCE-66 BACKLOG getTransactionInformation fails when looking at non evm transactions
- FABCE-64 CLOSED Release fabric-chaincode-evm v0.3.0
- FABCE-63 CLOSED update baseimage version
- FABCE-62 CLOSED Allow events Solidity Contracts
- FABCE-61 CLOSED Change fab3 output file in documentation
- FABCE-60 CLOSED Consolidate Long Eventual Timeout in chaincode-evm integration tests
- FABCE-59 CLOSED Use cmd library and use flags for fab3
- FABCE-58 CLOSED Pin Fabric dependency to Fabric v1.4.0
- FABCE-57 CLOSED Cleanup Makefile and scripts
- FABCE-56 BACKLOG evaluate usage of gogo/protobuf vs golang/protobuf
- FABCE-55 CLOSED as a developer, I do not want to maintain two copies of the fab3 types
- FABCE-53 CLOSED Make release 0.1 for fabric-chaincode-evm
- FABCE-52 TO DO Change user address generation for EVM
- FABCE-51 CLOSED Implement JSON RPC APIs to support Remix
- FABCE-50 CLOSED Create a Github Pull Request Template
- FABCE-49 CLOSED fabric-chaincode-evm release v0.2.0
- FABCE-48 CLOSED refactor common pattern out of integration test
- FABCE-47 BACKLOG Switch to using `github.com/pkg/errors`
- FABCE-45 CLOSED Update Jenkinsfile to fetch the patchset on verify and clone the repo on merge
- FABCE-44 CLOSED Add From field
- FABCE-43 CLOSED Remove Jenkins Pipeline Files
- FABCE-42 CLOSED Allow smart contracts to create other smart contracts
- FABCE-41 CLOSED Update Dep version to 0.5.4
- FABCE-40 CLOSED Add gasPrice and value fields to fabric evm transactions
- FABCE-39 CLOSED build fabric-chaincode-evm proxy binary
- FABCE-38 CLOSED update fabric-sdk-go dependency
- FABCE-37 CLOSED ginkgo By clause should not print out during default test run
- FABCE-36 CLOSED azp verify-build step should run `make basic-checks` instead of `make checks`
- FABCE-35 CLOSED clean up linters
- FABCE-34 CLOSED Remove scripts/goListFiles.sh
- FABCE-33 CLOSED Bump burrow/evm version
- FABCE-32 CLOSED `net_version` should return a quantity
- FABCE-31 CLOSED missing err checks in fab3 integration tests
- FABCE-30 CLOSED Cleanup Test Eventuallys and Extend Timeouts
- FABCE-29 CLOSED Pin evm chaincode to a Fabric release
- FABCE-28 CLOSED Improve logging in Fab3 main
- FABCE-27 BACKLOG Add transaction logs to eth_getTransactionReceipt output
- FABCE-26 CLOSED Switch references of fabproxy to fab3
- FABCE-25 CLOSED GetBlockByNumber should return GasLimit
- FABCE-24 CLOSED make clean should call gotools-clean
- FABCE-23 CLOSED update readme
- FABCE-22 BACKLOG Add customized logger per incoming request
- FABCE-21 CLOSED Update Dep version to 0.5.0
- FABCE-20 BACKLOG Run a Jenkins job nightly for fabric-chaincode-evm
- FABCE-19 CLOSED Upgrade to Burrow 0.24.2
- FABCE-18 CLOSED `net_version` should return a 53 bit or less quantity
- FABCE-17 CLOSED Add Zap logger to fabric-chaincode-evm
- FABCE-16 BACKLOG Implement BlockHash opcode
- FABCE-15 CLOSED Update fabric-chaincode-evm CI pipeline scripts using shared library
- FABCE-14 BACKLOG eth_sendRawTransaction RPC should be supported in Fab3
- FABCE-13 BACKLOG Configure logging in Fab3 by flag
- FABCE-12 BACKLOG As a Truffle developer, i want to use Fab3 as backend
- FABCE-11 CLOSED add checks to fabric-chaincode-evm repo
- FABCE-10 CLOSED as a rando developer, I should need admin privs to deploy contract
- FABCE-9 CLOSED Proposal to Change Required Number of Reviews to Single Non Author Review
- FABCE-8 CLOSED [Fabric-Java-SDK] Query hex option Problem
- FABCE-7 CLOSED add docker image to build
- FABCE-6 IN PROGRESS As a fabric evm chaincode user, I want to interact with my contract via Ethereum JSON RPC
- FABCE-5 CLOSED Burrow EVM support in Fabric - fab-web3 proxy
- FABCE-4 CLOSED Burrow EVM support in Fabric - phase II
- FABCE-3 IN PROGRESS Support toolings in Ethereum ecosystem
- FABCE-2 CLOSED Burrow EVM support in Fabric - phase I
- FABCE-1 CLOSED Implement EVM filtering for logs and events
- FABCE-149 IN CR REVIEW Fab3 should default transaction receipt logs to an empty array
- FABCE-147 CLOSED Set GO111MODULE when generating Fab3 mocks
- FABCE-150 BACKLOG migrate to tools.go for tool dependency management
- FABCE-144 CLOSED Update Documentation for Found Issues
- FABCE-54 CLOSED Split EVMCC and Fab3
- FABCE-46 CLOSED Split EVMCC & Fab3 dependencies
Test Task
- FABCE-148 CLOSED Upgrade Integration to use Fabric 1.4 release branch
- FABCE-146 CLOSED update github PR template
- FABCE-145 CLOSED update README for 0.4.0 release
- FABCE-101 BACKLOG Indicate that `payable` keyword from Solidity will not work
- FABCE-143 CLOSED Update the return value of net_version
- FABCE-142 TO DO Create a unique identifier for a given EVMCC & Channel
- FABCE-141 TO DO Fab3 should accept batch requests
- FABCE-140 CLOSED document eth_getLogs
- FABCE-139 CLOSED Allow blockhash as argument to getLogs
- FABCE-138 IN CR REVIEW GetFilterLogs & GetFilterChanges
- FABCE-137 CLOSED NewFilter & UninstallFilter
- FABCE-136 CLOSED implement topics filter
- FABCE-135 CLOSED implement address Filter
- FABCE-134 CLOSED Add eth_BlockNumber
- FABCE-133 CLOSED Switch net_version to be a number
- FABCE-132 CLOSED Add eth_getTransactionCount
- FABCE-131 CLOSED Implement minimal get logs eth_getLogs
- FABCE-130 TO DO Implement getStorageAt
- FABCE-129 CLOSED bump baseimage to 0.4.13 to match 1.3.0 release
- FABCE-128 CLOSED Change EVMSCC to be a system chaincode plugin
- FABCE-127 CLOSED Take metadata files into consideration
- FABCE-126 CLOSED Add support in peer CLI to invoke/query evm chaincode
- FABCE-125 CLOSED create a fab-proxy to translate Ethereum JSON RPC to Fabric API
- FABCE-124 CLOSED add supports in Fabric for scc plugins
- FABCE-123 CLOSED create plugin makefile to generate .so for linux to be used with Docker
- FABCE-122 CLOSED Create a voting DApp on both Ethereum and Fabric
- FABCE-121 CLOSED Add an e2e test for evm chaincode
- FABCE-120 CLOSED handle evm contract deployment
- FABCE-119 CLOSED Implement Burrow state interfaces
- FABCE-118 CLOSED Implement EVM chaincode as a system chaincode plugin
- FABCE-117 CLOSED Add EVM implementation of core/chaincode/platforms/platform interface
- FABCE-116 CLOSED initial commit
, multiple selections available,
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