2020 08 21 DWG Agenda
2020 08 21 DWG Agenda
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Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Release status: Pam/Joe: Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- Documentation for Channel Participation API: Error rendering macro 'jira' : null
- Documentation for Channel Participation API:
- Asia Pacific Study Circle
- International languages(standing topic)
- Malayalam translation update - Annena
- Japanese translation update - Tsujita-san
- Brazilian Portuguese translation update - Renato
- French Translation update - Oumar
- Spanish translations update - Maria
- Russian Language update - Arseny
- Containerizing your local build (update) Claudio Ceballos Paz - Latin Chapter
- Samples status - Chris
- New Peer deployment topic - Joe/Pam
- Promoting Translations - David
- Recognizing contributors - David
- We had discussed having a Translator badge (among other possible badges) and it sounds like that may be too specific. I wanted to check back in about what type of badge would work better?
- One option would be to have a Fabric Documentation badge that could be issued to people making a range of documentation related contributions
- Another option would be to have a Fabric Contributor badge that could be issued to people making documentation contributions or other Fabric related contributions
- We had discussed having a Translator badge (among other possible badges) and it sounds like that may be too specific. I wanted to check back in about what type of badge would work better?
- Reminder: Cherry-picking doc PR's back to previous branches. @Mergifyio backport release-x.y
- Retiring Fabric docs versions 1.1/1.2/1.3 - Banner not working in RTD.
- RTD instructions https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/versions.html#version-warning
- Google Analytics update - Joe/Pam
Eastern hemisphere call
- <minutes>
Western hemisphere call
- Chris G blog on private data: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/chris-gabriel_hyperledger-on-twitter-activity-6701441156414287872-XI9e
- New Fabric Jira for Channel Participation API
- Need to also consider updates to the Samples.
- We should bring this up on the next Fabric Contributors call. What is the strategy around the removal of the System Channel in terms of coexistence and deprecation?
- Also makes the Fabric Deprecations page even more important.
- Should we have a standing Documentation work item on the Contributors call?
- Jim: Really need a picture of the Fabric Strategic Plan vs. the Tactical plan.
- Chris local build process update: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs_guide.html?highlight=local%20build#building-locally
- When you clone Fabric, to your local drive, and you setup your sphinx build, and follow instructions to Build locally:
- You need to run: `pip3 install sphinx-rtd-theme`.
- Then you can run `pipenv shell`.
- Then run make html in the fabric/docs folder.
- Samples update
- Tutorials - Refactoring chaincode4developers was turned into Writing your first chaincode in 2.2 and Master branch.
- New: Added content about the high level contract API
- Patterned the tutorial after the new basic asset transfer sample.
- Added details on each function call.
- All the tutorials have been updated now: Using Fabric test network, Deploying a smart contract, Writing your first Application, and Writing your first chaincode
- Tutorials - Refactoring chaincode4developers was turned into Writing your first chaincode in 2.2 and Master branch.
- When you clone Fabric, to your local drive, and you setup your sphinx build, and follow instructions to Build locally:
- Peer deployment guide: Draft PR created https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/pull/1789
- Updated Deploying a Production network.
- Embedded toc links to detail instructions inside each step. Very slick!
- New Planning for a Peer topic. Decisions you need to make before you deploy a peer.
- New Peer planning checklist doc.
- Next: Peer deployment guide.
- Chris Need section on alternative syntax when you do an override of the environment variables. If you are putting it k8s or docker compose file - how to build out the environment variables. You can infer how to build them.
- Peer sampleconfig.yaml does not include all the parameters. Look at the core.yaml in the peer binary config folder instead.
- Nik: What are the challenges with deploying fabric in K8s? HA, running multiple replica sets on different VMs, What happens when there is node failure - you can configure this in K8s. A big challenge is the sequence in which you do things. Prioritizing deployment of CA, creating certs, configuring Node OUs.. Coordinating with other organizations.
- Updated Deploying a Production network.
- Promoting translations - David
- How to make translated docs discoverable? Let him know when a new Language is ready to publish. ==> Publish on HL social media channel, also Hyperledger landing page.
- How to recognize contributors to the DWG:
- Pilot the process... group level (Documentation, translation) vs. Project (Fabric).
- Translation badge is too specific.
- Fabric documentation badge issued to people making a range of documentation related contribution - group specific rather than task specific.
- Or could do overall Fabric contributor badge -
- What do other open source projects do? range - depends on how many badge types/how granular. Set criteria and then monitor.
- Ideally this is an automated recognition.
- Should this be brought up on contributors call?
- David to present again next week and we provide feedback - Agreed to have a think on this and a longer discussion next week.
- Consider that people doing the translating are not necessarily the person making the commits. Need to recognize the right contributors.
Video of this week's session at: Recordings
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