2020-09-01 Besu Contributor Call Notes
2020-09-01 Besu Contributor Call Notes
Video - https://consensys.zoom.us/rec/share/vOh1AZrL5GpLeLPr8GzkSowTWajlX6a80yAYr6VYmUmQHLmpVD1ZzG0ydffAB5MR?startTime=1598972717000 - Password: SP&5L@e7
HL Performance Meetup. - https://www.meetup.com/Hyperledger-SF/events/267518835/
ETC update
- had some 51% attacks in AUG
- Looking to go to SHA3 Proof of work
- A PR will be forthcoming
- Looking at checkpointing systems
- Looking at improving Mining support
- ETC Co-Op's infrastructure is Besu only.
- Looking at Treasury system
- Currently at 5% share
- Q: Which checkpointing proposal
- Possibly freezing DAG size
- ECIP repo - https://github.com/ethereumclassic/ECIPs/pulls
- ETC Cooperative Discord - https://discord.gg/dwxb6nf
Bonsai Tries
- Danno should make a wiki page describing this
Open Forum
- Policy on Maintainer Reachability?
- Hartman, 2nd in command in Linux had a talk on this
- Contact Addresses?
- Socialize Expectations?
, multiple selections available,