2020-06-09 Contributor Call Notes
2020-06-09 Contributor Call Notes
recording: https://consensys.zoom.us/rec/share/7uFNL6DQrUNIWdLJ13n0Vp5mEIn9X6a8g3Iaq6AJxcvkn26bhIqojGWPkCJPrGM?startTime=1591715104000 password 3r*^38.G
- No known conferences
- Releases
- 1.4.6 released
- 1.5 RC in 10 days
- Longer release cycle because it's a single dot release
- more fast sync stats
- Post 1.5 release process proposal
- previously we didn't do full mainnet syncs
- biweekly syncs don't need to be mainnet, move these to testnet syncs
- Run nightly nodes on mainnet
- Quarterly releases would be gated on mainnet
- Work Updates
- Ethereum Classic
- Synced with classic mainnet
- Forkid changes worked
- no clarity on post phoenix
- mainnet
- YOLO ephemiral testnet
- Berlin, no dates on forks.
- Ethereum Classic
- Other Business
- Open Forum?
- PR to remove database metadata flag
- Generics change as well
- If Besu Contributors want to talk at meetups David Besu wants to know!
- Virtual LF Decentralized Trust Meetups
- dboswell@linuxfoundation.org
- Also, lots of non-english options. (example: Portugese)
, multiple selections available,