2020-02-18 Besu Contributor Call Notes
2020-02-18 Besu Contributor Call Notes
Recording of call - https://consensys.zoom.us/rec/share/-MoqPu2uq31LYLfjzkbTU695IsfaT6a8hiIX8_EKzkZI5_dD51ilQUFRK4dlFt9h?startTime=1581987869000
General Announcements
- Conferences
- ETHDenver
- Successful conference
- DApp focused and so no Besu bounty was taken
- Working towards stateless Ethereum
- ETHCC is still coming
- Hyperledger Global Forum
- We are still on given the travel restrictions, but watch this space
- ETHDenver
Release Updates
- 1.3.9
- ETC release for fork support
- 1.4RC
- Going to have an RC2 this week, with full release planned for next week
- Everything planned should be in
Work updates
- The ETC migration from ethash to keccak256 is to level the ASIC playing field, rather than trying to keep being ASIC resistant
- The roadmap page will be updated shortly with the plans for 1.5
- Performance improvements
- Improvements to the private state support
- Beam sync, especially important as a first step to being a stateless client
- Mining support improvements
- Transaction pool management
Other Business
- N/A
Open Forum
- Fast vs Full sync from Aditya Singh
- Security guarantees are about the same if you validate the pivot block
- Ethereum is different to Bitcoin in that each block includes the root hash from a petricia tree of the unspent transactions which allows us to start in the middle
, multiple selections available,