2020-01-21 Contributor Call
2020-01-21 Contributor Call
Meeting Video: <TBD>
General Announcements
- Eth Denver is 15-17 Feb 2020 in Denver Colorado
- EthCC (Ethereum Community Conference) is 3-5 March 2020 in Paris France
- Hyperledger Global Forum is 3-6 March 2020 in Phoenix AZ
Release updates
- 1.4 - beta
- Bug found on deployment with Difficulty overflowing a long
- 1.4 - beta 2 (https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/pull/312)
- Released just before the call with bugfix
- No changes to the rest of the 1.4 release schedule as a result of the out-of-cycle release
Work Updates
- Providing a
tarball for automation of a test host running the master release against mainnet- Generally seen as a good idea
- the PR process is where we will see any other objections to this from maintainers not on this call
Other Business
- ETC Update
- Work to start on the next hard fork, planned for early March
- It is predominantly an Istanbul remix
- EEA Testnet
- It has been running for about a week
- We are in the planning stages of ensuring and configuring Besu for compatibility
- Zoom links
- It is preferred to use the link in the calendar as the source of truth
Open Forum
- Open Contributor Questions?
Future Topics
, multiple selections available,