2020-04-28 Contributor Call Notes

recording: https://consensys.zoom.us/rec/share/1cFsdKvLrUNJGpHR0E_WY7Z4HKbOT6a803JI_qILxRxRm1yAXxAFPflAV3Tj1QFC?startTime=1588035874000

  • Housekeeping
  • went over meetings
  • Release updates
    • 1.4.4
      • Logs and log filtering in private logs
      • Splunk integration
      • optional native crypto
  • Work Updates
    • ETC
    • ETH
      • BL12
      • Subroutines
      • Fee Market
  • Other Business
    • RC branches proposal
      • Pegasys has some nodes they are willing to continue to run but HLP may want to run some nodes of their own.
    • Feature Flags
      • Static is acceptable in this context
  • Open Forum
    • None
  • Future Topics
    • None