2020-02-04 Besu Contributor Call Notes
2020-02-04 Besu Contributor Call Notes
Recording of call - https://consensys.zoom.us/rec/share/6O5bN6P81X9OaNKKw0zPa6c5Toa-eaa80yJM-vpbzU4x3PEm42YXMU0BFS4ZKTyu?startTime=1580828569000
General Announcements
- DCI survey
- 3 conferences in next 2 months, EthDenver, EthCC, Hyperledger Global Forum
- Beta higlights - bytes library and plugins API
- RC in feb
Work updates
- May have 1.3.9 to support ETC
Other Business
- Creating Besu certificaiton course - Contact use on rocket chat or email to get added to the process
Open Forum
- no questions
Future Topics
- 1.5 Roadmap in March meetings
- Where to discuss? Wiki? Rocket Chat? Email?
- Perhaps put a proposal in the wiki, then solicit comments from rocket chat
- We should get a template for such roadmap proposals
, multiple selections available,