2020-01-07 Contributor Call
2020-01-07 Contributor Call
Meeting Video: https://consensys.zoom.us/rec/play/6JYtd-D9_Tk3E93HtQSDVvF9W46_KqOshnNL-adenR6yBXcHOgWhYLIRM7c_stvozSqZr1YS4m-ien2J?autoplay=true
General Announcements
Release Updates
- EthDenver
- EthCC
- Global Forum
- The current plan is the one discussed on last call, with 1.4 beta releases
- 1.40 targeted at 27 Feb 2020
Work updates:
- ETH Classic fork sometime next week, make sure to upgrade to latest version of Besu if running a classic node
- Caliper’s updates coming starting tomorrow
Other Business:
- Besu Consensus Failure: Full post mortem found on the Besu wiki
- Parity Attack:
- Valid block header, yet invalid block values in body that didn’t match the headers
- Parity was caching the block and therefore wouldn’t accept valid versions of the block
- Besu and Geth weren’t affected by this attack
- Muir hard fork went pretty well
Open Forum:
- Lacchain rep wasn’t present, item skipped
- Open Contributor Questions:
- Helped resolve Aditya's question about https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/BESU-52